Crystal Group, Inc. 是一家坚固耐用型计算机硬件领域的技术领导者,专门从事定制和商用的坚固耐用型服务器、嵌入式计算、网络设备、显示器和数据存储器的设计和制造,可在恶劣环境中实现高可靠性。Crystal Group 于 1987 年成立时还是一家集体所有的小型企业,如今可为国防、政府和工业市场提供集成式解决方案,将无缝、实时的人工智能、自主处理和网络安全引入需求较高的边缘应用。Crystal Group 产品符合或超过 IEEE、IEC 和军事标准,包括 MIL-STD-810、167-1、461 和 MIL-S-901,并提供 5 年以上的保修服务。所有产品均在公司车间内制造,且通过 ISO 9001:2015/AS9100D 质量管理标准认证。
采用英特尔® 凌动® 处理器 C3758,经过现场测试,具备故障安全功能,在极端条件下具有长寿命性能。Crystal Group 工业服务器专为需要高性能计算和大容量数据存储的苛刻应用而设计。这些功能强大的紧凑型服务器,采用了坚固的全铝机箱和最先进的散热管理,可在最恶劣、不可预测的环境中提供无缝性能。此外,这些工业服务器符合严格的环境排放标准,是一种环保的解决方案。
将实时人工智能和机器学习从数据中心带到边缘。RS270422 采用一流的坚固型设计,搭载最新一代英特尔® 至强® 可扩展处理器或 AMD EPYC 处理器,以及两个双宽全高型 GPU 或 FPGA,可在战术边缘提供优秀的可靠性和 Tensor Core 性能。RS2704L22 具有超强可扩展计算能力,旨在处理极具挑战性的关键推理障碍,能够在变化无常的任务关键型条件下确保实时态势感知和 AI 不受影响,实现超低延迟和无缝操作。InfiniBand I/O 连接可以为低延迟回程应用提供至关重要的快速数据传输。该 NVIDIA 认证系统经验证可实现理想的性能、可管理性、安全性和可扩展性。用例:战场管理意识。指挥和控制通信。情报收集和处理。数据存储服务器。飞行器与地面车辆传感器融合。“引领-跟随”式自动驾驶汽车。GPU 服务器。虚拟化平台。
在极端条件下可获得经现场测试、故障保护和长工作寿命的性能。随着处理性能的不断提高,Crystal Group 致力于最大程度缩小 RS121S16 的 SWaP 范围。将高端计算性能纳入深 16 英寸(40 厘米)的 1U 机箱中,几乎可适配任何机架空间。Crystal Group 坚固型服务器可提供高性能计算和高容量数据,坚固型的全铝包装能够承受住非常艰苦的地形条件和极为艰巨的应用程序。Crystal Group 的高度可定制坚固型服务器已在美国武装部队、外国军队,以及配电、自动驾驶汽车、石油天然气等行业投入使用,用于通信和网络、武器控制、传感器和监控以及无人机系统等各个领域。
面向 AI、自动化和自主项目的超级服务器。AVC0282 是一款坚固型移动解决方案,将前所未有的计算能力、数据处理能力和存储容量相结合。这款服务器专为在高利用率下的连续日常使用而设计,集成了高端、长寿命的组件以增强可靠性。这款高性能计算机无需交流电源逆变器或直流电源调节器。它采用尺寸、重量和功耗 (SWaP) 均经过优化的铝制机箱,采用最新处理器、大容量内存、前沿 GPU 以及先进的功耗和散热管理技术。Crystal Group 提供 5 年保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
尺寸小巧,GPU 性能更强。该嵌入式产品系列易于针对特定客户需求进行配置,采用先进的散热管理技术并配备碳纤维机箱,经现场测试可承受冲击和振动、更宽的温差范围以及恶劣环境。RE1322 的机箱中有两个扩展插槽,可安装 RTX A2000 和 RTX 4000 SFF ADA 等双宽半高型显卡。
可扩展、灵活、高性能虚拟保护服务器。ES3604L24 旨在提供要求最严苛的应用所需的计算能力,是一个在单一单元中集成了多个独立硬件解决方案的与软件无关的超融合系统。这个 GPU 或 FPGA 加速变电站解决方案使用高度可靠的冗余风扇进行冷却,是 Crystal Group 用于数千个军事和工业客户系统的成熟解决方案。ES3604L24 搭载单路或双路英特尔® 至强® 可扩展处理器,最多支持 40 个核心,可满足并简化公用事业部门当前不断增长的边缘计算需求,包括虚拟保护继电器应用。ES3604L24 符合 IEC 61850-3 标准,经过精心设计和测试,可确保长久可靠性。Crystal Group 提供长达 15 年的保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS232S17A. High-end computing performance in a 2U chassis with a depth under 17” (43.1 cm) fits most any rack space.
在极端条件下可获得经现场测试、故障保护和长工作寿命的性能。随着处理性能的不断提高,Crystal Group 致力于最大程度缩小 RS41110L21 的 SWaP 范围。将高端计算性能纳入深 20.7 英寸(52.6 厘米)的 4U 机箱中,几乎可适配任何机架空间。
在极端条件下可获得经现场测试、故障保护和长工作寿命的性能。随着处理性能的不断提高,Crystal Group 致力于最大程度缩小 RS4105L22 的 SWaP 范围。将高端计算性能纳入深 22 英寸(55.9 厘米)的 4U 机箱中,几乎适合任何机架空间。
在极端条件下可获得经现场测试、故障保护和长工作寿命的性能。随着处理性能的不断提高,Crystal Group 已最大程度缩小 RS1304L23 的 SWaP 范围。将高端计算性能纳入深 23 英寸(58.4 厘米)的 1U 机箱中,几乎可适配任何机架空间。
高性能能源管理计算系统。这款高度可靠的无风扇变电站服务器采用创新型对流冷却技术设计,无移动组件,可延长系统的使用寿命并提升性能。它采用轻质铝制机箱,搭载最新英特尔® 至强® CPU、高达 12 个 固态硬盘和 128 GB 的 DDR4 ECC 内存。ES3304S19 符合 IEC 61850-3 和 IEEE 1613 标准,经过精心设计和测试,可确保长久可靠性。Crystal Group 提供长达 15 年的保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
提高准备度。RS1.532L21X2F 1.5U 加固型服务器可在极端和不可预测的环境下提供经过验证的可靠性和计算性能 — 对于成功执行所有领域(包括网络)的作战、声纳和电子战应用至关重要。该设备体积小、集成度高,可以轻松安装到标准机架插槽中。凭借系统可用性、卓越的冷却性能和抗冲击/振动性能,这款 1.5U 加固型服务器随时可供使用。
AVC1322 采用英特尔® 至强® D-1718T 或第 12/13 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i3/i5/i7 处理器和轻质碳纤维机箱,能够提供实时态势感知和极高的准确度。该自主解决方案使用车辆电源,无需交流电源逆变器。AVC1322 专为处理中小型工作负载而设计,支持 NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin。该解决方案体积小巧,能够安装在车辆座椅下方。通过现成和可定制的计算机系统、开发套件和集成服务,我们的可扩展系统可以提供完整的一揽子解决方案,加快 AV/ADAS 项目的推进。Crystal Group 提供 5 年保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
紧凑、坚固。RS1004L21X2 坚固型 1U 服务器在极端、不可预测的环境下可提供两倍的计算性能 - 对于在包括网络在内的所有领域成功执行战斗、声纳和电子战应用程序至关重要。该设备体积小、集成度高,可以轻松安装到标准机架插槽中。凭借系统可用性、卓越的冷却性能和抗冲击/振动性能,这款 1U 坚固型服务器随时可供使用。
The FORCE to fight and win. Next-generation Crystal Group Rugged Servers are the new FORCE – Fully Optimized Rugged Computer Equipment – to tackle the toughest workloads in the most challenging environments. Crystal Group FORCE™ servers provide a whole new level of bandwidth, scalability, flexibility, and security to the field. These rugged rack-mount servers accelerate compute intensive workloads in today’s most demanding applications, including machine learning, sensor fusion, artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, signals intelligence, electronic warfare, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). With vital cybersecurity features, like rugged FIPS 140-2 SAS SSDs, optional key management, intrusion detection and instant data destruction, Crystal Group FORCE ensures your critical, confidential data is protected from potential threats.
A new standard for ISR. Crystal Group’s rugged ISR encoder module uses the Haivision Makito X1 encoder to deliver real-time streaming of MISB-compliant full motion video capabilities required for demanding intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) applications.
AVC0161 是一款坚固型移动解决方案,将前所未有的计算能力、数据处理能力和存储容量相结合。这款服务器可以承受恶劣的条件和严苛的环境,包括坑洼、碰撞、冲击和振动,以及可能会导致传统系统出现故障的极端温度。这款高性能计算机提供定制或现成配置,采用尺寸、重量和功耗 (SWaP) 均经过优化的铝制机箱,采用最新处理器、大容量内存、前沿 GPU 以及先进的功耗和散热管理技术。该系统可连接 CAN 总线,能够跟踪和处理 60 路传感器输入。Crystal Group 提供 5 年保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
RS304FM 专为远航程中空无人机摄像头数据的 ISR 摄取而设计,非常适合需要网络、数据处理和快速存储的高性能计算。这款 3U 坚固型服务器配备 12 个可移动 SATA 驱动器,提供多种硬件 RAID 选项,可实现数据存储和灵活冗余。该系统配备四个 10 GbE 端口,提供低延迟视频捕获和处理。集成的经过时间指示器监控物流和运营需求,而获得专利的 DIMM 保存方法可确保在不稳定的飞行和着陆条件下保持可靠性能。可选的 TPM 和 DAR 功能可以在飞行意外中断时创建高侧安全选项。RS304FM 使用军用圆形连接器来传输电力和数据,并具有机载平台性能所需的 50 毫秒电源保持功能。
面向 AI、自动化和自主项目的超级服务器。AVC0403 是一款坚固型移动解决方案,将前所未有的计算能力、数据处理能力和存储容量相结合。该服务器专为自动驾驶半挂卡车原始设备制造商而设计,具有大容量可移动驱动包,可将数据从车辆分载到数据中心。这款高性能计算机采用尺寸、重量和功耗 (SWaP) 均经过优化的铝制机箱,采用最新处理器、大容量内存、前沿 GPU 以及先进的功耗和散热管理技术。Crystal Group 提供 5 年保修和前瞻性配置管理,可增强您的计算解决方案的长期投资价值。
Smarter with Intel®. Stronger with Crystal Group. Energy is essential to modern day living and homeland security. Power companies are undergoing a major transformation of aged computing infrastructure to protect energy resources now and for years to come. Crystal Group ES™ – Energy Series – delivers ruggedized solutions, powered by Intel, to ensure long lasting, high performance in unpredictable conditions. Crystal Group integrates Intel technologies into highly ruggedized hardware to support state-of-the-art power grid capabilities such as constant monitoring, real-time alerts, automation, and remote-control management. This ensures the entire supply chain – from power generation through transmission and distribution to end use – works efficiently, securely and without interruption.
提高准备度。 RS1.549S18 1.5U 坚固型服务器可在极端和不可预测环境中提供成熟的可靠性和计算性能,这对于在 TI20 (Technical Insertion 2020) 中跨多种配置成功执行战斗、声呐和电子战应用程序至关重要。这款 18 英寸(44.3 厘米)大小、重 25 磅的小型集成装置可轻松匹配包括 S26-1 在内的标准机架插槽。这款 1.5U 坚固型服务器拥有更好的武器系统可用性,卓越的冷却和耐冲击/抗震性,随时可以执行任务。
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS112S14. High-end computing performance in a 1U chassis with a depth of 13.4” (34.04 cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS112PS18M. High-end computing performance in a 1U chassis with a depth of 18” (45.7cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. Feature rich Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems are powerful, compact, and rugged. Completely and easily configurable, the Embedded product line boasts advanced thermal management and a carbon fiber chassis, are field-tested to withstand shock and vibration, extended temperature ranges, harsh elements and harsh environments. Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems follow the Intel® Roadmap to ensure access to the latest, powerful Intel® chipsets and processors.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. Feature rich Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems are powerful, compact, and rugged. Completely and easily configurable, the Embedded product line boasts advanced thermal management and a carbon fiber chassis, are field-tested to withstand shock and vibration, extended temperature ranges, harsh elements and harsh environments. Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems follow the Intel® Roadmap to ensure access to the latest, powerful Intel® chipsets and processors.
Field tested, failsafe, and long life performance in extreme conditions. Feature rich Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems are powerful, compact, and rugged. Completely and easily configurable, the Embedded product line boasts advanced thermal management, and are field-tested to withstand shock and vibration, extended temperature ranges, harsh elements and harsh environments. Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems follow the Intel® Roadmap to ensure access to the latest, powerful Intel® chipsets and processors.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS376M. High-end computing performance in a 3U chassis with a depth of 20” (50.8 cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. Feature rich Crystal Group Sealed Embedded Computer Systems are powerful, compact, and rugged. Completely and easily configurable, the Embedded product line boasts advanced thermal management and an all-aluminum chassis, are field-tested to withstand shock and vibration, extended temperature ranges, harsh elements and harsh environments. Crystal Group Sealed Embedded Computer Systems follow the Intel® Roadmap to ensure access to the latest, powerful Intel® chipsets and processors.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS4104. High-end computing performance in a 4U chassis with a depth of 20″ (51.1cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS4704S18. High-end computing performance in a 4U chassis with a depth of 18″ (45.7cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS202FM. High-end computing performance in a 2U chassis with a depth of 19” (48.3 cm) fits most any rack space.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. Feature rich Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems are powerful, compact, and rugged. Completely and easily configurable, the Embedded product line boasts advanced thermal management and a carbon fiber chassis, are field-tested to withstand shock and vibration, extended temperature ranges, harsh elements and harsh environments. Crystal Group Embedded Computer Systems follow the Intel® Roadmap to ensure access to the latest, powerful Intel® chipsets and processors.
Field tested, failsafe and long life performance in extreme conditions. As processing performance continues to improve, Crystal Group is dedicated to minimize the SWaP envelope of the RS255. High-end computing performance in a 2U chassis with a depth under 20” (50.8 cm) fits most any rack space.
Field-tested, fail-safe and lasting performance in extreme conditions. Crystal Group ES™ – Energy Series – delivers rugged solutions, powered by Intel®, to ensure long lasting, high performance in the most extreme, remote, unpredictable conditions. Completely and easily configurable, the ES product line boasts advanced thermal management and an all-aluminum chassis, field-tested to withstand electrical shock, airborne contaminants and humidity in harsh environments. Crystal Group embedded computer systems follow the Intel embedded roadmap to ensure access to the latest in long life, powerful Intel chipsets and processors.