30 多年来,Axiomtek 一直是工业计算机和嵌入式系统领域中的主要设计和制造公司之一。自成立以来,Axiomtek 因其创新设计和极高的客户满意度在全球范围内获得广泛认可。作为一家价值高、可信赖的工业制造商,Axiomtek 致力于研发最先进的解决方案,帮助用户取得成功。Axiomtek 始终致力于实现卓越服务的承诺,并为此颇感自豪。Axiomtek 全产品线包括嵌入式主板、模块系统、嵌入式平台、网络设备、触控平板电脑、工业电脑和工业物联网网关。我们有经久耐用型项目设计能力和专业认证经验。我们的制造设施经过 ISO-9001、ISO-14001 和 ISO 13485 认证。愿景:为我们的互联世界带去智能、创新、可持续的嵌入式解决方案 使命:为任务关键型应用设计并制造嵌入式解决方案,帮助客户将出色的产品推向他们的垂直市场。工业物联网市场覆盖自动化:工厂自动化、流程自动化,机器人工业、设施监控系统、机器自动化、楼宇自动化、家庭自动化、自动光学检验 交通:交通控制系统、快速轨道交通、车载信息娱乐系统、监控、车载 PC、车队管理、电动汽车、船舶动力 公共设施:绿色能源、发电和配电、发电站自动化 游戏:赌场老虎机、游戏管理系统、娱乐游戏机 医疗:电子医护、医疗成像、护理点、护理车、远程医疗 零售与数字化标牌:POS、自助服务终端、公众信息显示屏、店面数字媒体活动、交互式白板 网络与军事:工业防火墙、VPN、UTM、反垃圾邮件、反病毒、负载平衡平台、军事应用
The NA350C is an energy-efficient 1U desktop network appliance platform powered by low-power Intel® Atom® processor x6425E (code name: Elkhart Lake) for firewall, VPN, SD-WAN, and 5G gateway applications. The NA350C offers two versatile configurations: seven RJ-45 or five RJ-45 and two SFP, which support Ethernet bandwidth and provide flexible and diverse customized services. In addition, it supports Wi-Fi 6, LTE, and 5G modules with two SIM slots for stable wireless module connectivity.
The Axiomtek's IPC920 is an EN 61000-6-2 certified industrial edge system powered by the 13th/12th gen Intel® Core™ processor with the Intel® H610E/R680E chipset. The IPC920 features a cable lock design to boast a robust design; in addition, its wide operating temperature range of -20°C to +60°C ensures reliable performance in challenging industrial environments. This highly adaptable industrial edge computer is primed for rapid integration through a PCIe x16 slot, catering to various applications including AI, vision inspection, objective classification, and factory automation.
Axiomtek IPC962A 和 IPC964A 是一系列全新的模块化工业边缘系统,具有灵活的扩展能力。这些高度可扩展的边缘计算机搭载第 13 代和第 12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器(代号:Alder Lake–S),采用英特尔® H610E/Q670E 芯片组。智能边缘计算系统支持功率级别高达 200W 的扩展卡,如 NVIDIA 显卡,可增强性能加速。它还为新一代通信实现无缝 5G 连接。IPC962A 和 IPC964A 已通过 EN 61000-6-2 法规认证,设计经久耐用,产品生命周期长,并且对于重负载的工业环境具有高抗扰能力。这些适应性强的工业计算机具有快速灵活的部署能力,可以快速高效地响应各种应用领域中的变化或新情况,包括 AI、视觉检测、目标分类和工厂自动化。
Axiomtek mBOX600 是一款符合 IEC 60601-1 标准的医疗级边缘 AI 计算系统,使医疗服务提供商能够引入人工智能,实现智能医疗保健解决方案以及更精确的诊断。它不仅支持 4K UHD 三屏显示,而且带有 PCIe x16 插槽,用户可以安装 GPU 卡,实现更高的性能。
P115-ADL-TRA,拥有丰富接口的 15 英寸工业触控平板电脑。这款坚固的触控平板电脑采用可扩展的 CPU 选项,采用 LGA1700 插槽第 12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 或奔腾® 处理器,搭载英特尔® H610 芯片组。P115-ADL-TRA 采用 15 英寸 XGA TFT LCD 显示屏,配备 5 线电阻式触摸屏和 300 尼特亮度;它还采用坚固的 IP65 铝制前挡板,提供强大的保护。这款触控平板电脑采用 PCIe x16 插槽,可与多种扩展卡兼容。一体式平板电脑 P115-ADL-TRA 适合用于多媒体自助服务终端,也可作为工业自动化应用的人机接口 (HMI)。
Axiomtek SHB160 是一款全新 PICMG 1.3 全尺寸单板计算机,采用 LGA1700 第 13/12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3、奔腾® 或赛扬® 处理器,搭载英特尔® R680E/H610E 芯片组。行业专用的 SBC 支持双 2.5 GbE 局域网,以极高的数据传输速度提供终极连接体验。它还支持 PCIe 4.0,以提供更高的灵活性和带宽,用于连接 GPU、固态硬盘和其他外设。SHB160 提供卓越的计算性能、坚固的设计、灵活的 I/O 扩展以及增强的显卡功能,旨在满足人工智能物联网应用的要求,如视觉检测、目标分类、工厂自动化、智能视频分析和智慧城市。
Axiomtek IPC960A 是一款采用扩展 I/O 模块的新型工业边缘系统。这款高度可扩展的边缘计算机搭载第 13/12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器,采用英特尔® H610E/Q670E 芯片组。IPC960A 已通过 EN61000-6-2 标准认证,设计经久耐用,产品生命周期长,且在重负载工业环境下的抗扰度高。凭借快速灵活的部署能力,这款适应性强的工业计算机能够快速高效地应对各种变化或新情况,可以在 AI、视觉检测、目标分类和工厂自动化等领域广泛应用。
Axiomtek UST510-52B-FL 是一款经过 E-Mark 认证的车载嵌入式系统,现在支持四个可更换的 2.5 英寸 SATA 驱动器,采用英特尔® RAID 0/1/5/10,可实现更安全的数据存储和传输。一体式车载盒式电脑可以在 -40°C 到 70°C 的广泛温度范围内运行,可抵抗高达 3 Grms 的振动。UST510-52B-FL 提供八个/十六个带有 M12/RJ-45 接头的 PoE 端口,并支持远程 PoE 管理软件,最大限度地减少了 NVR 和安全监控的部署工作,并提高了监控效率。此外,它还支持智能点火电源控制,可保护车辆蓄电池免受不稳定电压的影响。高度集成的 UST510-52B-FL 非常适合车载应用,包括 NVR、车载安全监控、车辆控制、车队监控和车载乘客信息娱乐系统。
Axiomtek GOT815A-TGL-WCD 是一款经过 CID2 认证的 15.6 英寸不锈钢无风扇触控平板电脑。它通过 SUS 304/316 不锈钢机箱为食品、饮料和制药应用场景提供了增强型卫生控制。这些产品配有 IP69K 等级防护和防水 M12 型 I/O 端口,可在频繁冲洗或高温高压消毒过程中确保安全。这款坚固型 15.6 英寸不锈钢平板电脑还通过了 Class I Division 2 (CID2) 认证,非常适合石油天然气或需要高度耐用解决方案以应对极端运行条件的应用。
无风扇触控式平板电脑,配备 16:9 宽屏显示器——21.5 英寸 GOT321A-ELK-WCD,18.5 英寸 GOT318A-ELK-WCD 和 15.6 英寸 GOT315A-ELK-WCD。符合 IP65 标准的无风扇平板电脑采用低能耗的英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器 J6412(代号:Elkhart Lake),带有多个 I/O 组合和灵活 I/O 模块插槽,可为多个行业的多种应用提供全套解决方案。这些平板电脑支持 2.5GbE TSN 和 Ethernet 端口,可低延迟、高可靠性地实现时效性数据的传输,如音频、视频和控制信号等。这三款坚固耐用的触控式平板电脑旨在为工业自动化、公共部门和零售行业中的众多企业提升生产力、提高数据可视化效率。
Axiomtek ICO330 是一个 DIN-导轨无风扇嵌入式系统,采用英特尔凌动® x6212RE 或 x6414RE 处理器。为了扩展并适应 OT 环境中的每一项变化,它采用多功能灵活设计,大存储,带有多种无线模块扩展功能和丰富的 I/O 接口。强大的 ICO330 具备扩展的运行温度范围(-40℃ 至 +70℃)和 9V 至 36V 直流宽输入电压,或可选经典的 12/24V。ICO330 是可持续能源、油气、工业自动化、智能农业和智慧楼宇等领域中进行数据收集与通信的高性价比物联网网关。
Axiomtek SDM510L 是一款搭载第 12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器(代号:Alder Lake-H/P/U 系列)的英特尔® Smart Display Module Large(英特尔® SDM-L)。除了性能优越以外,SDM510L 还提供了面向客户的服务,支持用于 AI 开发和远程管理的英特尔® OpenVINO™ 和英特尔® vPro®,并可驱动单个 8K 显示器或四台 4K 显示器,是适用于各行各业(尤其是智能零售领域)的理想数字标牌解决方案。
Axiomtek DSP302 是一款专为数字标牌设计的无风扇迷你电脑。它支持连接三个 4K 播放器,无线网络,和多个便于外连的 USB 端口。除了手掌大小尺寸和用户为中心的设计外,DSP302 的重量也不到 1 千克。可以轻松部署在实体店、餐厅或购物中心。Axiomtek 的 DSP302 采用英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器 N6210/J6413(代号:Elkhart Lake),板载系统内存高达 8GB,板载 eMMC 存储高达 128G。这种内置设计让用户可以即插即用,无须进一步安装。另外,它还有 3 个 HDMI 2.0,支持 4K 超高清,4 个 UBS 3.2 Gen 2,一个 GbE LAN,以及一个音频组合插孔。作为扩展接口,这款迷你标牌播放器配备全尺寸 PCI Express WiFi/BT/3G/4G 迷你卡插槽,一个 M.2 Key M 插槽配备 SATA/PCIe 信号可扩展存储,及一个 SIM 卡插槽。
Axiomtek NA870 是一款 2U 机架式网络设备平台,最多可配备 66 个 LAN 端口。NA870 搭载了双 LGA4189 插槽第三代英特尔® 至强® 可扩展处理器(代号:Ice Lake-SP)以及英特尔® C621A 或 C627A 芯片组。它可以通过集成多达八个可扩展的网卡模块,来管理大量连接的计算机。采用英特尔® 加密加速技术的英特尔® Ice Lake 处理器确保 NA870 能够为云计算、人工智能、5G 网络、HPC 工作负载和多接入边缘计算 (MEC) 等应用提供性能、灵活性和安全性的理想组合。
Axiomtek 的 SSK515 是一款 AIO(一体机)自助服务终端,采用 15.6 英寸的全高清 LCD 显示器,含 10 点式 PCAP 触摸屏,亮度达 300 尼特。SSK515 还采用集成的即插即用式英特尔® SDM-L (Smart Display Module – Large) 模块,为系统升级和维护提供高度的灵活性。
Axiomtek ICO120-E3350 是一款极紧凑型工业 IoT 网关,采用英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器 N3350(代号:Apollo Lake-M)。其坚固设计支持无风扇运行,支持 -40°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围和 9V 至 36V 直流宽电源输入范围,具有过压和反向保护,因此 ICO120-E3350 很适合作为数据采集网关,用于智能能源和自动化领域中收集和传输数据。
Axiomtek 的 MANO561 是一款高性能薄型 Mini-ITX 主板,其配备的 LGA1700 插座适用于第 12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器(代号:Alder Lake-S)。除了卓越的计算性能之外,这款薄型嵌入式主板还可实现高速连接,具备灵活的 I/O,出色的显卡可支持三台显示器,并且可通过 12V-24V 宽范围直流电输入确保高可靠性,从而桥接下一代 AIoT 应用。
Axiomtek 的 iNA200 是一款用于运营技术 (OT) 网络安全的 DIN 导轨型网络安全网关。iNA200 采用英特尔凌动® x6212RE 或 x6414RE 处理器 (Elkhart Lake),具有一个 DDR4-3200 SO-DIMM,最高可支持 32 GB 系统内存。对于要求严苛的环境,这款无风扇 IIoT 边缘网关具有 -40°C 至 70°C 的宽工作温度范围,支持 9 至 36 VDC 宽电源输入,支持双电源输入。iNA200 还具有两个 2.5G LAN 端口,存储空间充裕,并且高度可扩展,能够满足各种工业应用的需求。
Axiomtek mBOX100 是支持双 4K 显示器的医疗级边缘 AI 计算系统。这种超薄型医疗系统符合 IEC 60601 医疗安全标准,适用于各种医院应用和医疗保健环境。
Axiomtek 的 eBOX710A 是一款高度可扩展的无风扇嵌入式系统。eBOX710A 采用高性能的第 11/10 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i9/i7/i5/i3 或赛扬® 处理器(代号:Comet Lake-S),搭载英特尔® H420E 芯片组。这款 IP40 级嵌入式盒式电脑经精心设计,能够在各种工业环境中可靠运行,-40°C 至 +70°C 宽工作温度范围,耐震性高达 3G,具备 9 至 48 VDC 电源输入。持久耐用的 eBOX710A 带有一个 PCIe x4 扩展插槽,因此非常适合用于机器学习、深度学习、机器人控制、边缘计算以及其他 AIoT 应用。
Axiomtek tBOX110 是一款新型紧凑无风扇车载嵌入式系统,适用于交通领域的网关应用。tBOX110 符合 ISO 7637-2 标准,搭载英特尔凌动® x5-E3940 处理器。tBOX110 支持 DIN 导轨和壁挂式安装,尺寸仅为 164 x 128 x 44 毫米,重量为 1.0 千克。它具有 -40°C 至 +70°C 的宽工作温度范围和 3Grms 抗振性。这款低功耗交通网关支持带智能点火功能的 12/24 VDC 典型汽车电源输入或 9 至 36V 宽范围 DC 电源输入,非常适合交通应用。
Axiomtek IMB760 是一款服务器级扩展 ATX 主板(330 毫米 x 305 毫米),采用双 LGA4189 插槽第 3 代英特尔® 至强® 可扩展处理器(代号:Ice Lake-SP)和英特尔® C627A 芯片组。它搭载的两个 CPU 和多个加速卡之间实现了有效负载平衡,以稳定计算负载并最大限度地提高计算能力。这款 EATX 服务器主板具有优化的性能、更多的 PCI Express 卡插槽和高密度内存扩展,可在数据驱动的未来实现高级计算、AI 工作负载和深度学习。
Axiomtek IMB540 是一款卓越的工业 ATX 主板,具有适用于第 12 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i9/i7/i5/i3 处理器(代号:Alder Lake-S)的 LGA1700 插槽。除了提供高计算性能外,IMB540 ATX 主板还支持 4 显示器和双 GPU 扩展,为下一代边缘 AIoT 应用提供智能工作负载优化和高度可扩展的显卡。
Axiomtek AI 入门套件是一款完整的入门套件,采用基于英特尔® 酷睿™ 的高性能 AI 边缘平台 IPC962-511-FL,该平台具有高性能计算 GPU/VPU 支持、高分辨率摄像头和 基于 Tensorflow 框架的内置 Axiomtek AI 套件 (AIS)、英特尔® 工业边缘软件中心和英特尔® OpenVINO™。这款应用就绪程序包可支持制造商简化开发自动化内的视觉应用程序。硬件平台 IPC962-511 是一款 2 插槽无风扇工业系统,搭载 LGA1151 插槽第 7 代/第 6 代 智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 和赛扬® 处理器。它配备前端访问 I/O 和充足的 PCIe 和 PCI 插槽。Axiomtek AI Suite (AIS) 基于英特尔® 工业边缘软件中心,用于实施深度学习训练和推理。它配备 Web 应用程序设计和直观的用户界面,帮助用户无需编码即可部署 AI。
Axiomtek 的 SDM510L 是一款标牌计算机模块,采用最新的英特尔® Smart Display Module Large(英特尔® SDM-L)架构,支持英特尔® OpenVINO™ 和英特尔® vPro™ 技术。SDM510L 由第 12 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器提供支持。
Axiomtek 的 IMB540 支持 LGA1700 插槽第 12 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i9/i7/i5/i3、奔腾® 或赛扬® 处理器 (Alder Lake-S)。它配备四个 288-pin DDR4-3200 ECC/非 ECC 无缓冲 Long-DIMM,至高可达 128GB,并支持 M.2 Key M 2280。
Axiomtek 的 NA721 由英特尔® 至强® 处理器 D-1700 家族提供支持。它配备 6 个 DDR4-2933 R-DIMM/U-DIMM,支持高达 384GB 的系统内存。4 个 10GbE SFP+、4 个 2.5GbE 和 4 个 1GbE RJ-45 板载 2 可扩展 LAN 模块,支持 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE/40GbE/光纤/铜/旁路(可选)支持 1U 冗余电源(可选) 支持IPMI(可选)适用于企业防火墙、网络带宽控制器和 UTM 应用程序
Axiomtek's CAPA520 is a new 3.5” embedded board featuring the LGA1151 socket 9th/8th generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 and Intel® Celeron® processors (code named: "Coffee Lake") with the Intel® H310 chipset (Q370 optional). The industrial-grade CAPA520 with a size of 146 mm x 104 mm features triple-display capability through HDMI, LVDS and DisplayPort interfaces, enabling multi-display applications in a limited space. This powerful embedded SBC is optimized for various industrial IoT-related applications in the embedded market, such as industrial control, machine vision, self-service terminal, digital signage, and medical imaging.
IPC950 搭载第 11 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 处理器或英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器,基于第三代英特尔® 10nm 工艺技术。紧凑型工业计算机旨在提供强大的计算能力,以处理工厂或机器自动化中的重负载和多任务应用。
The NA362 is powered by the low power consumption Intel® Atom™ processor C3538/C3758 (Codename: Denverton). In addition to six 10/100/1000 Mbps LAN ports (Intel® i210 Ethernet controller), this desktop network appliance also comes with four 10 GbE SFP+ fiber ports for high bandwidth and long-distance communications. The NA362 is an excellent choice for a wide array of network applications including UTM, VPN, firewall, gateway, SD-WAN and vCPE with its enhanced security and performance. The Denverton–based NA362 features the Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) for accelerated data processing including symmetric encryption and authentication, asymmetric encryption, digital signatures, RSA, DH, ECC, and lossless data compression. Furthermore, it also supports the Intel® Data Plane Development Kit (Intel® DPDK), which greatly boosts packet processing performance and throughput, allowing more time for data plane applications. The NA362 comes with either two or four DDR4 R-DIMM/U-DIMM with 64GB or 128GB of non-buffer non-ECC/ECC memory. The slim-type network communication platform is equipped with one 2.5" SATA3 HDD and one mSATA for sufficient storage. It also supports wireless communication of Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE through a PCI Express Mini Card slot. I/O options include two USB 2.0 ports and a serial console port. To ensure reliable operation, the 10-port network platform supports watchdog timer. Moreover, it also supports mainstream Yocto, Linux, Windows® Server 2012 R2, and Windows® Server 2016 operating systems.Supports Intel® Data Plane Development Kit (Intel® DPDK)Suitable for VPN, network bandwidth controller, firewall and UTM applications
Axiomtek IMB700 是一款 ATX 主板,它采用 LGA4189 插槽英特尔® 至强® 可扩展处理器、英特尔® C621A,提供 3 个 PCIe x16 插槽、3 个 PCIe x8 插槽、VGA 和 NVMe。
The Axiomtek's MANO540 is a mini-ITX motherboard powered by the FCLGA1200 10th Gen Intel® Core™ i9/i7/i5/i3 processor (codename: "Comet Lake") with the Intel® H410 chipset. It also supports two 260-pin DDR4-2933/2666/2400 SO-DIMM sockets for up to 64GB of memory. With a small form factor of 17 x 17 cm, this industrial motherboard is an excellent choice for space-constrained environments. The advanced MANO540 is specifically designed for performance-demanding applications with its excellent reliability as well as communication and edge computing capabilities.
Axiomtek 嵌入式盒式计算机采用板载第 8 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i5-8365UE 或赛扬® 4305UE 处理器,提供高效计算能力,支持 9V 至 36V 直流宽电压输入和 -10°C 至 +50°C 宽温设置,确保耐用性并能够在不同的工业环境中运行。EBOX565 专为工厂或机器自动化中使用的空间受限应用而设计,例如机柜内设备计算机、协作机器人和工业物联网网关。 eBOX565 支持一个 260 针 DDR4-2400 SO-DIMM 插槽,具有高达 32 GB 的系统内存。这款紧凑型无风扇嵌入式计算机提供多个 I/O 选项,包括两个 RS-232/422/485 端口、两个千兆位局域网端口、两个 USB 3.1 Gen2 端口、两个 USB 2.0 端口、一个 HDMI、一个 DisplayPort++、一个 AT/ATX 快速开关、一个 ATX 电源开关,以及两个用于 WLAN 和 WWAN 的天线开口。它还支持面向 Wi-Fi 模块的 M.2 Key E 2230 插槽,以及一个用于存储的 2.5 英寸 SATA 硬盘驱动器插槽。此外,这款无风扇盒式计算机有一个凤凰型 VDC 电源输入连接器,搭载过压保护 (OVP)、欠压保护 (UVP) 和短路保护 (SCP)。其安装方式灵活,包括墙壁安装、VESA 安装和 DIN 导轨安装。它还支持 Axiomtek 的 AXView 软件,可帮助用户远程监控和管理连接设备。对于操作系统,它支持 Windows® 10 IoT 和 Linux。
The Axiomtek's GOT815W-511 adopts a 15.6-inch FHD TFT flat bezel LCD display with 1920 x 1080 resolutions. It comes with 400 nits of brightness and the choice of a projected capacitive touchscreen or 5-wire flat resistive touchscreen. Besides, the HMI features five IP66-rated M12-type I/O connectors and a wide range power input of 9V to 36V DC for reliable operation. Moreover, it can operate under wide temperature settings ranging from -20°C to +50°C and withstand vibration up to 1G. The high-reliability touch panel PC is completely waterproof with IP69K/IP66 level of protection and adopt full-grade 316 stainless steel enclosures for a higher level of resistance to corrosion. The GOT815W-511 is well suited for use in food and chemical factories, the pharmaceutical industry and heavy-duty outdoor applications.
Axiomtek 的 OPS520 是全新的开放式可插拔规范 (OPS) 数字标牌播放器,搭载了最新的第 11 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 和英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器,以及英特尔® Q570/H510 芯片组。它的超静音风扇设计使 OPS520 非常适合于会议室和教室的交互式白板应用。这款最新的基于英特尔® 的开放式可插拔标牌模块具有简化的安装、维护和升级流程,我们相信它必定能帮助用户开发创造性的展示解决方案,从而增加销售额并改善客户体验。
Axiomtek ICO300-83M 是 ATEX、Class I Division 2 (CID2) 认证的 DIN 导轨无风扇嵌入式系统,用于可能有易燃气体或液体存在的危险环境。由配备 8GB DDR3L-1866 RAM 的英特尔凌动® x5-E3930 处理器驱动。为在恶劣工业环境中运行,此 IP40 级别的 DIN 导轨无风扇盒式电脑可在温度范围为 -40°C 到 85°C、9 到 36 个 VDC 宽电压输入的条件下工作,带有 OVP、UVP、OCP 和 RPP ,并耐受高达 3G 的振动。防爆的 ICO300-83M 专为石油和天然气工业、化学工业、钢铁工业和蒸馏工业而设计。
Axiomtek 的 KIWI310 是一款信用卡大小的高性能 1.8 英寸嵌入式主板,搭载英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器 N3350 及英特尔® 第 9 代集成显卡引擎。这款极其紧凑的无风扇 SBC 支持 Linux、Android 和 Windows 操作系统,可用于机器人、工业自动化、零售、视频监控、智慧城市等领域的多种人工智能物联网应用。 高度集成的 KIWI310 具有丰富的 I/O 连接性和出色的扩展能力,旨在缩短上市时间并降低开发成本。这款先进的 KIWI310 有一个 M.2 Key E 2230 插槽,用于集成英特尔® Movidius™ Myriad™ X 视觉处理器。通过该 M.2 Key E 插槽,它还支持 5G 模块,以赶上 5G 商机的趋势。
Axiomtek 的 UST510-52B-FL 是获得 E-Mark 认证的车载嵌入式系统,配备多达八个 RJ-45 PoE 连接器。该款一体化车载箱式电脑搭载 LGA1151 英特尔® 至强®、第 9 代/第 8 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3、赛扬® 或奔腾® 处理器(代号:Coffee Lake),TDP 高达 65W,并采用英特尔® C246 芯片组。它支持 Smart Ignition 电源控制,可保护车辆电池免受不稳定电压的影响。UST510-52B-FL 非常适合车载应用,包括 NVR、车载安全监控、车辆控制、车队监控和车载乘客信息娱乐系统。
Axiomtek 的 IPC970 是一款功能丰富的全新可扩展工业用边缘计算系统。该款智能工业用电脑搭载英特尔® 至强® 或第 10 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 处理器(代号:Comet Lake S)和英特尔® W480E 芯片组。该款强大的边缘计算系统支持具有 10,496 个 CUDA 核心的专用显卡以及高达 24 GB 的 GDDR6X 内存,可提供强大的 GPU 计算能力。借助坚固耐用的 IPC970,边缘智能 AI 计算可实现同步 AI 处理。
The Axiomteks MVS900-511-FL is an all-in-one fanless machine vision system with the real-time vision I/O and camera interfaces. Its vision I/O includes trigger input, trigger output, LED lighting control, quadrature encoder input, and isolated DIO. Equipped with four IEEE802.3at GbE LAN ports (PoE) for popular GigE cameras, this powerful vision system can support area scan and line scan for automated optical inspection (AOI). By adding the support of the Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit, it can be trained and perform inference to catch defects, flawed parts, making sure every product leaving a production line meets all quality criteria. With its integrated vision elements, the high-precision MVS900-511-FL addresses the needs and requirements of smart manufacturing and AIoT applications.
The Axiomtek's IMB525R is powered by the Intel® Xeon® E, 9th/8th generation Intel® Core™, Intel® Pentium® or Intel® Celeron® processors with the Intel® C246 chipset. The server-grade ATX motherboard offers optimum processor performance, unparalleled flexibility, rich I/O expandability and superior graphics performance; additionally, the server-grade platform supports Error-Correcting Code (ECC) memory which provides improved data integrity and system reliability through automatic data correction. It also features five SATA-600 ports with software RAID 0/1/5/10 for reliable data storage and protection. The IMB525R is specifically suited for industrial workstations, embedded networks, factory automation, robotic motion control, machine vision, and testing and measurement.
The Axiomtek's UST200-83H-FL is powered by the low-power consumption Intel® Atom™ x5-E3930 processor. It is certified with CE and FCC and is in compliance with ISO 7637-2. With the function of the Smart Ignition power control, the rugged embedded system can arrange a power on/off schedule to protect the vehicle battery from unstable voltage. This high-performance IoT gateway delivers an excellent price-performance ratio for in-vehicle applications. Thanks to its ruggedized design for harsh environments, the UST200-83H-FL is able to operate under a wide temperature range from -40°C to +70°C and vibration of up to 3 Grms. This IoT gateway supports both wall mounting and DIN-rail mounting. Its ultra-lightweight and compact design is ideal for space constraint environments.
The Axiomtek's eBOX626-311-FL is powered by the Intel® Atom® processor x5-E3940. The fanless embedded box PC was designed to operate reliably in industrial environments – with an IP40-rated enclosure, extended -40°C to +60°C support, and 3 Grms vibration resistance. To ensure system security, it utilizes the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 function. The embedded box computer eBOX626-311-FL is well-suited for industrial controllers, intelligent robotic control, intelligent gateway systems, smart kiosks, visual inspection and data visualization.
The Axiomtek's PICO317 is a fanless Pico-ITX SBC powered by the onboard quad-core Intel® Atom® x5-E3940 processor (code name: Apollo Lake). This tiny 2.5-inch embedded board can withstand a wide operating temperature range of -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F) for use in harsh and space-constraint environments. It comes with dual-display capability through 4K-ready HDMI and 18/24-bit single/dual channel LVDS. Combined with a rugged design and high-speed processing, the PICO317 is suitable for a variety of industrial IoT applications, including industrial automation, transportation, retail and more.
Axiomtek SHB150 基于最新的 LGA1151 插槽第八代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器(代号:Coffee Lake)和英特尔® C246、Q370 或 H310 芯片组。SHB150 具有多种 I/O 选项和高速传输接口以及卓越的图形功能(英特尔® 核芯显卡),是智能工厂自动化的理想解决方案。SHB150 是基于英特尔® 酷睿™ 的全尺寸 SBC,配备两个 288 引脚 DDR4-2666/2400 Long-DIMM 插槽,支持高达 32GB 的系统内存。PICMG 1.3 单板计算机具有最多六个 SATA-600 端口,支持软件 RAID 0/1/5/10 来实现数据冗余。它还具有一个带 PCIe x4 接口的 M.2 Key M 2280 固态盘插槽。搭载英特尔® 核芯显卡的 SHB150 通过 DVI-I 和 DisplayPort (头) 端口带来真正的高清视觉体验及三屏显示配置(英特尔® C246 或 Q370)。此外,基于英特尔® Coffee Lake 的 SHB150 支持可选的可信平台模块 (TPM) 2.0 以实现最佳安全性,支持英特尔® 主动管理技术(英特尔® AMT)12 以进行远程管理,还支持英特尔® 博锐™ 技术。工业单板计算机在机器视觉和工业自动化操作领域为客户提供了显著优势。
The Axiomtek tBOX400-510-FL ia a two-in-one transportation-certified box PC with built-in layer 2 managed PoE switch for IP surveillance applications. The tBOX400-510-FL is certified with CE (Class A) and FCC and is in compliance with E-Mark, ISO 7637-2, EN 50155, EN 50121-3-2 and EN 45545-2, IEC 60945 and DNV 2.4. This high-performance transportation box PC is powered by the 7th generation Intel® Core™ (Kaby Lake) or Intel® Celeron® 3965U processors, along with dual DDR4 SO-DIMM slots for up to 32GB of memory. The built-in 10-port managed switch is powered by Qualcomm's chip. With its high performance, industrial-grade design and full-strict certifications, the tBOX400-510-FL is suited for transportation-related applications such as onboard video surveillance and video management. Axiomtek’s tBOX400-510-FL has a built-in 10-port managed switch with 8-port 10/100 Mbps PoE and 2-port Gigabit LANs, featuring VLAN, QoS and PoE scheduling for the more secure and smooth network. For reliable operation in severe environments, the rugged fanless transportation box computer is designed to withstand a wide temperature range from -40°C to +60°C and vibration of up to 3 Grms. It also supports a wide voltage input range: 9V to 36V DC for vehicle applications, 14V to 32V DC for marine applications, and 24V to 110V DC for railway applications.
作为 Axiomteks 经运输认证的模块嵌入式系统,tBOX300-510-FL 由板载第 7 代 Intel® Core™(之前是 Cascade Lake 处理器)处理器和 Intel® Celeron® 3965U 处理器提供动力。这款铁路、车辆和船舶 PC 具有工业级温度和多个 I/O 连接器。它可定制和可扩展,具有灵活的增值模块 (VAM) 选项。这个模块嵌入式系统通过 CE、FCC、EN 50155、EN 50121-3-2、EN 45545-2 认证,符合 E-Mark、ISO 7637-2、IEC 60945、DNV 2.4 等标准,能保证系统的高质量运行。它非常适合于多种与运输相关的应用,如板载安全监控、卡车车队管理、板载数据存储和乘客通信。 tBOX300-510-FL 配备一个智能电源管理系统,可提供 ACC 开/关延时、停机延时和过/下电压保护。这种运输计算机是为适应恶劣的工作环境而建造。它支持从 -25°C 到 +70°C 的宽温度范围以及高达 3 Grm 的防震。它还支持宽电压输入范围:汽车应用 9V 至 36V DC,海洋应用 14V 至 32V DC,铁路应用 24V 至 110V DC。
Axiomtek 的 SDM500L 是 一款标牌计算机模块,采用最新的 Intel® 大型智能显示模块 (Intel® SDM-L) 架构。SDM500L 采用板载第 8 代 Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 处理器(代号:Whiskey Lake U)和 Intel® 第 9 代高清显卡芯片组。数字标牌模块尺寸仅为 175 x 100 毫米,最大 z 高度为 1.6 毫米,非常适合超薄显示屏。基于 Intel® CoreTM 的高性能 SDM500L 针对数字标牌、交互式平板显示器、交互式触摸电脑、视频墙等进行了优化。
依靠服务器级双 LGA3647 插座 Intel® Core 处理器(之前是 Cascade Lake/Purley 处理器)和 Intel® C621 芯片组,NA861 提供一个性能、灵活性和耐用性的完美组合。它在 SDN、NGFW、IDS、IPS、UTM 等广泛的网络应用中,具有良好的稳健性和高可靠性。考虑到灵活性,1U 机架式网络计算系统能够通过集成最多支持 34 个 LAN 端口的四个可扩展 NIC 模块来管理大量连接的计算机。这些 NIC 模块支持铜、光纤、旁路、1G/10G/25G/40G 以太网速度和硬件加速。NA861 配备了六个大容量 DDR4-2400 R-DIMM 插槽,具有高达 192GB 的非缓冲区非 ECC/ECC 内存。此外,它还配备了一个 400W 冗余电源以及两个 2.5 英寸 SATA 硬盘以及一个 mSATA。
Axiomtek 的 NA860 可为网络应用提供先进的性能,配备两个高性能 LGA3647 插座 Intel® Core ™处理器(之前是 Cascade Lake/Purley 处理器)和 Intel ®C621 芯片组、12 个高带宽 DDR4-2400 R-DIMM 内存插槽,具有高达 384GB 的非缓冲非 ECC/ECC 内存。NA860 可安装多达八个以太网模块,支持多达 66 个千兆 LAN 端口,更加灵活,维护简便。提供一个 PCIe x16 标准扩展插槽,用于选装的网络安全卡。性能卓越的 2U 机架网络设备平台还支持 Intel® 数据平面开发工具包 (Intel® DPDK),这是一组能够将数据包处理性能提高十倍的软件库。这款性能强大的网络设备平台采用易于使用的设计,具有高容量,适用于 IDS/IPS、VPN、内容过滤、UTM、网络安全应用和云计算解决方案。
The Axiomtek CEM520 is a high-performance COM Express Type 6 basic module featuring triple independent displays, industrial operating temperatures and rich expansions. The CEM520 is based on the Intel® Xeon® E-2176M and 8th generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors (codename: Coffee Lake) with the Intel® CM246/QM370/HM370 chipset. The 125 x 95 mm system-on-module was designed for graphics-intensive applications over the Industrial IoT, including automation control, medical imaging, digital signage, and gaming machines.
The Axiomtek NA591 is an advanced 1U rackmount network appliance platform with a maximum of thirty-four LAN ports. This high-performance network appliance system is powered by the Intel® Xeon® E-2200 and 9th/8th gen Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 (Coffee Lake/Coffee Lake Reflash) processors with the Intel® C246 chipset. The NA591 comes with four expandable LAN module slots that support 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE/40GbE/Fiber/Copper/LAN Bypass interfaces, greatly enhancing its flexibility and scalability. This scalable 1U network appliance platform delivers security, stability and reliability for VPN, firewall, network bandwidth controller, WAN accelerator and surveillance system applications.
The Axiomtek NA363R is a reliable 1U rackmount network appliance platform offering Intel® QuickAssist technology and high processing performance through the Intel Atom® processor C3558/C3758 (Denverton). It comes with six 10/100/1000 Mbps LAN ports using Intel® i210 Ethernet controller and one expandable LAN module slot for a maximum of fourteen LAN ports. It features two pairs of latch-type LAN bypass functions to protect important communications during power outages as well as BIOS console redirection for efficient management. The network security appliance provides high security and reliability with power-efficient for VPN, network bandwidth controller, firewall and UTM applications.
The Axiomtek GOT115-319 is a 15-inch fanless touch panel computer with a thickness of only 50 mm for used in space-constrained environments. It is powered by the Intel® Celeron® processor N3350 or Intel® Pentium® processor N4200 with the Intel® GFX controller onboard. The GOT115-319 has a 15-inch XGA TFT LCD display with a projected capacitive multi-touch or resistive touch optional touchscreen, 300 nits of brightness and LED backlight. It is a cost-effective solution to achieve a high degree of stability and adaptability for use in multimedia kiosks or as a human machine interface (HMI) for smart manufacturing and rugged retail fields.
The Axiomtek UST100-504-FL , an extremely compact fanless embedded system for in-vehicle edge computing and video analytics applications. This ruggedized in-vehicle system is certified with CE and FCC and is in compliance with ISO 7637-2. Axiomtek's UST100-504-FL features a single-sided I/O design for space-limited vehicle applications. The high-performance vehicle PC is powered by the LGA1151 socket 7th/6th generation Intel® Core™ or Intel® Pentium® processor with up to 35W TDP and comes with the Intel® H110 chipset. Thanks to its ruggedized structure and outstanding system design, the UST100-504-FL is able to operate under a wide temperature range from -40°C to +60°C and vibration of up to 3 Grms for extreme harsh environment.
The Axiomtek ICO320-83C is a fanless DIN-rail embedded system with four RJ-45 Gigabit PoE ports for facility monitoring systems, IP video surveillance, Access Point and intercoms. This endurable industrial IoT gateway has an IP40-rated heavy-duty aluminum extrusion and steel enclosure for use in harsh environments. It can operate under wide temperature ranging from -40°C to 70°C and withstand vibration up to 2G. It is powered by the high-performance Intel® Celeron® processor N3350 or Intel® Pentium® processor N4200 and has one DDR4-2133 SO-DIMM for up to 8 GB of system memory. Axiomtek’s outstanding ICO320-83C delivers high performance at a competitive price.
The ICO500-518 featuring flexible I/O expansion, sufficient storage and network capability is well-suited for transportation, public utility, smart building, solar energy, as well as factory automation fields. By bundling Axiomtek’s intelligent AMS software solution for device monitoring and remote management, the ICO500-518 is able to implement environment signal monitoring, edge analytics and remote device management in the IIoT world. It has also passed the EN 50121-4 certified for railway applications. The rugged high computing edge gateway has scalable CPU options with the 7th gen Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 (codename: Kaby Lake-U) or Celeron® processors and supports one DDR4-2133 SO-DIMM slot for up to 16GB of system memory. The ICO500-518 features basic benefits whether low latency or cost efficiency; moreover, offering much more other advantages for IIoT applications. It not only supports multiple OT communication protocols that can significantly reduce the effort required to collect data from different field devices, but also provide local intelligence to allow operators respond faster to events that happen at the remote site and minimizes latency between edge devices and the cloud server. Also, with TPM 2.0, this IIoT edge gateway provides tailored levels of security depending on the application needs. Axiomtek’s ICO500-518 has two optional plug-in I/O module slots and four different types of I/O modules to meet different customization requirements. An integrator can choose from four available I/O modules including an 8-port GbE LAN module; 8-port isolated RS-232/422/485 module; 4-port isolated RS-232/422/485 with one isolated DIO (8-in/8-out) module; 8-port isolated CANbus 2.0A/B module to customize the ICO500-518 to fit its specific project requirements. Additionally, the ICO500-518 offers flexible communication options - two full-size PCI Express Mini Card slots and one external SIM card slot for 4G/3G, GPS, LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections. Furthermore, it supports swappable 2.5-inch SATA drive and external CFastTM card to provide sufficient storage capability. For withstanding harsh operating conditions, this IP40-rated embedded box PC offers an extended operating temperature range of -40°C to 70°C, a wide range DC input of 12V to 48V with OVP, UVP, OCP, RPP power protection, and up to 3G vibration endurance.
The Axiomtek eBOX100-51R-FL is a fanless ultra-compact embedded system with weight 600 grams only. As the smallest embedded system with Intel® Core™ ULT processor onboard, the eBOX100-51R-FL continues the design elements of eBOX100 series – ultra-slim form factor, rugged design, and rich I/O connectivity, allowing greater flexibility and a wider range of application in edge computing, IIoT gateway and extended fields. The eBOX100-51R-FL is powered by the high-performance Intel® Core™ i5-7300U or Intel® Celeron® 3965U processor. The front-facing I/O connectivity design provides convenient access for easy installation and maintenance. It comes with one DDR4-2133 SO-DIMM slot with system memory up to 16 GB. The eBOX100-51R-FL offers two RS-232/422/485, two USB 3.0 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, two Gigabit Ethernet ports, one DisplayPort++, one AT/ATX quick switch, and two SMA type antenna openings; moreover, the embedded system is equipped with one M.2 Key E 2230 slot for Wi-Fi, one M.2 Key B 2242 for SATA storage, and one screw-type 12VDC power input connector.
The Axiomtek MANO521 is a thin mini-ITX motherboard powered by the LGA1151 socket 9th/8th generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 (code name: Coffee Lake) with Intel® H310 chipset or optional Intel® Q370 chipset. This Intel® Coffee Lake-based motherboard provides rapid video acceleration advantage, multiple expansion interfaces and triple-view capability. It is designed with rich functionality, solid performance in a small footprint, making it suitable for a broad range of performance-driven embedded applications such as industrial automation, transportation, self-service kiosks, medical, and digital signage. The MANO521 features two high bandwidth 260-pin DDR4-2400/2666 with a memory capacity up to 32GB. It offers two SATA-600 sockets and one M.2 Key M 2242/2260/2280 connector for storage. The thin mini-ITX motherboard also provides various expansion interfaces within its limited dimensions including one PCIe x4, one full-size PCIe Mini Card slot and one M.2 Key E 2230, which offers diversity and flexibility for application integration. Moreover, the mini-ITX embedded board has a built-in DC Power Jack or ATX connector supporting 12V and 19 to 24V DC input with AT mode auto power function.
The Axiomtk IPC974-519-FL provides edge computing capabilities for a wide variety of industrial AIoT applications, such as real-time control, data analysis, deep learning and automated optical inspection, making great strides to utilize an ideal solution. The industrial PC is powered by the high-performance Intel® Xeon® E3 v5, 7th/6th generation Intel® Core™ (codename: Kaby Lake/Skylake) or Celeron® processors with the Intel® C236 chipset. In addition, the system has a wide operating temperature range of -10°C to +70°C with 0.5 m/s airflow and a wide range of 19V to 30V DC power input for harsh operating environments. The IPC974-519-FL has a flexible I/O window slot for ease of customization to meet the requirements of various applications. It has a choice of four different types of I/O modules - a four-port RS-232/422/485 module (AX93511); a four-port isolated RS-232/422/485 module (AX93516); a one-port GbE Ethernet, two-port USB 3.0 and two-port RS-232/422/485 module (AX93519); and a two-port isolated RS-232/422/485 and 8-in/8-out DIO module (AX93512). Additionally, it provides four high speed and full-size PCIe /PCI slots supporting the vision, motion, data acquisition and I/O cards. The AIoT industrial automation computer has an optional built-in power board which provides 300W power to add-in graphics card. To satisfy the wide temperature variations, it also offers an easy-to-install fan module to help dissipate heat generated within the system when high power consumption PCI/PCIe cards are installed.
MANO321 搭载低功耗英特尔® 赛扬® 处理器 J6412(代号:Elkhart Lake);配备两个 260 针 DDR4-3200/2666/2400 SO-DIMM 插槽,最高支持 32G 的系统内存。薄型设计将板的高度降至标准 Mini-ITX 外形尺寸的一半,使其更灵活用于各种物联网应用。为了实现 5G 连接,它有一个 SIM 卡插槽和一个带有 USB 3.1 接口的 M.2 Key B 插槽,可以添加一个 3042/3052 5G 模块以建立连接。对于显示相关应用,MANO321 配备一个 HDMI 2.0、一个 VGA 和一个 LVDS,可以支持三屏显示。此外,还具有高清编解码器音频。扩展接口方面,工控主板提供一个 PCI Express Mini Card 插槽和一个 PCIe x2 信号的 PCIe x4 插槽。
eBOX671A 是一款无风扇嵌入式系统,采用高性能英特尔® 至强®、第 10 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i9/i7/i5/i3 或赛扬® 处理器,搭载英特尔® W480E 芯片组。耐用的 eBOX671A 采用 IP40 级重型铝挤压和钢制外壳,工作温度范围介于 -40°C 至 +70°C 之间,耐震性高达 3G,可以在恶劣环境中运行。具备 9 至 48 VDC 电源输入,可用于工厂自动化。eBOX671A 利用多达 10 个计算内核来增强 AI 推理能力,为边缘计算、机器视觉、深度学习和机器人控制等人工智能物联网领域的广泛应用提供高性能。
Axiomtek 的 MANO526,一款 Mini-ITX 主板,搭载 LGA1151 插槽第 9 代/第 8 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器,配备英特尔® Q370、HDMI、DisplayPort ++、eDP、2 GbE LAN 和高清音频功能
Axiomtek 的 NA591 是一个 1U 机架式网络设备平台,采用英特尔® 至强® W-1200 处理器或第 10 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器和英特尔® W480E 芯片组。它配备八个 GbE LAN 端口和两个带有英特尔® Ethernet Controller I350-AM4 和 I350-AM2 的 SFP 端口,提供对英特尔® 连接虚拟化技术 (VT-c) 的板载访问,包括片上 QoS、流量管理和 SR-IOV。它还具有两个可扩展 LAN 模块插槽,支持各种网卡模块以实现灵活的端口配置,包括 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE/40GbE/光纤/铜接口。它具有四个 DDR4 2933MHz ECC/非 ECC UDIMM 插槽,最大内存容量为 128GB。
Axiomtek 的 CAPA55R 搭载第 11 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 和赛扬® 处理器,配备 28W cTDP 和英特尔® 锐炬® Xe 显卡。这款工业级嵌入式板通过 HDMI 1.4、LVDS 和 DisplayPort++ 接口提供三重显示功能,非常适合图形密集型应用。这款工业主板专为在 -20°C 至 +60°C 的宽工作温度范围内稳定运行而设计。CAPA55R 针对嵌入式市场中各种工业物联网相关应用而优化,例如工业控制、机器视觉、自助服务终端、数字标牌和医学成像。
Axiomtek DSP511 是一款 4K 超高清数字标牌播放器,具有四个 HDMI 2.0 端口和一个 2.5G 以太网端口,可增强多视图和实时显示。这款出色的标牌播放器搭载第 11 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i5/i3 处理器,使其在智能零售应用中更显功能多样,例如交互式广告或人工智能精准营销。
GOT321W-521 是一款 21.5 英寸宽屏屏式电脑,具有 16:9 宽高比。该款工业用屏式电脑采用 LGA1151 插槽第 9 代/第 8 代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5/i3、奔腾® Gold 处理器或 赛扬® 处理器以及英特尔® H310 芯片组。21.5 英寸 GOT321W-521 配备全高清 TFT LCD 显示屏,具有投射电容式多点触控和 250/500 尼特的亮度。该款 21.5" 坚固型屏式电脑是工厂自动化、炼油厂、输油管道监控、天然气供应商以及加工行业的理想之选。
Axiomtek ITC210 配备 21.5 英寸 1920 x 1080 显示屏,具有 10 点投射电容式触控、250 尼特亮度和 16:9 纵横比。窄边框设计,整体厚度保持在 50 毫米以下,IPx4 金属框架结构,适合各种应用。标准端口包括一个推式 microSD 插槽、HDMI、USB 3.0 端口和两个 USB 2.0 端口。可插拔设计使系统维护更容易,便于现场更换和 CPU 卡升级。有两种 SDM 模块可供选择,SDM300S(英特尔® SDM-S)和 SDM500L(英特尔® SDM-L);均兼容不同的 CPU、系统内存和板载显卡。客户可根据需求选择模块。