NDI, a fast-growing tech company, is removing the limits to video connectivity. NDI – Network Device Interface – is used by millions of customers worldwide and has been adopted by more media organizations than any other IP standard, creating the industry's largest IP ecosystem of products
消除连接的局限NDI 是发展最快的视频连接标准,使多媒体系统能够通过 IP 相互识别和通信,并编码、传输和接收许多高质量、低延迟、精确到帧的视频和音频流,以及实时交换元数据。摄像机、显示器和其他设备集成 NDI 高级 SDK,便可提供用户友好的连接功能,满足专业视听和消费市场的更多用例,还可兼容由 70 多万台设备和最流行的视频软件组成的生态系统。