The learning curve for IP and SDI can be daunting and time consuming. Yet still, end customers in the broadcast, ProAV, military, and medical space are demanding these interfaces. We understand how challenging it is to have to learn an entirely new paradigm of A/V communications. As specialists in the education and development of ST 2110/IPMX AV over IP solutions, we are committed to guiding equipment manufacturers through the development of IP-enabled products. Our ST 2110/IPMX solution consists of FPGA IP cores, NMOS control software, reference designs including complete software stack, and a web GUI so that customers can start with a working system and customize it to their needs. Design services are also available to help customers with resource limitations get their products to market quickly. Our end-to-end reference designs for the Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver- SoC Development Kit enable turn-key development, with a 25G version available now and a 100G version planned for Q4 2023. Our complete solution is resolution and network speed independent and has earned all possible JT-NM Tested badges for interoperability confidence. The solution is modular by design and allows customers to choose any combination of cores to meet their specific needs. Join dozens of happy customers and let us help you IP-enable your products quickly and easily! Having helped hundreds of OEMs just like you implement SDI, we can provide the I/O boards and reference designs to get your SDI products on the market in record time. Our VIDIO 12G SDI FMC daughterboard provides a complete solution to enable development and testing of SDI interfaces on all Intel® FPGA platforms. We are the SDI card of choice in all the Intel® SDI reference designs, and our solution has been validated by customers around the world. We include all of design and layout files to enable you to add SDI to your own designs quickly and easily!
We provide a full offering of design services including Architecture, Board Design, FPGA Design, and Embedded Software Development.
Nextera 的 VIDIO 12G SDI FMC 子卡为开发人员提供了最新的广播视频技术。VIDIO 提供 12G SDI 和 10G IP 接口,在英特尔® Arria® 10、英特尔® Cyclone® 10、英特尔® Stratix® 10、英特尔® Agilex™ 和大多数其他配备高性能计算 FMC 连接器的英特尔® 开发板上支持高达 4Kp60 的分辨率。英特尔® 选择经过现场验证的 VIDIO FMC 子卡,用于其英特尔® Arria® 10、英特尔® Cyclone® 10、英特尔® Stratix® 10 和英特尔® Agilex™ 用户指南和参考设计。Nextera 12G SDI FMC 卡是一款采用最新技术并拥有全尺寸边缘发射 BNC 和用于 SDI 或 IP 开发的 SFP+ 的单 FMC 板。示意图、Gerber、物料清单以及示例项目可用于帮助您快速启动硬件设计。VIDIO SDI 接口支持 270M、1.5G、3G、6G 和 12G SDI,而以太网/视频 SFP+ 接口支持 1G、2.5G 和 10G。应用包括 IP 网关、格式转换器和信号扩展器。Nextera 的 VIDIO SDI FMC 卡经过最新的 BERT 测试仪和 SDI 信号分析仪的严格测试,并提供市场上最佳的抖动性能。Nextera 12G SDI FMC 卡可驱动 100 米的 8281 同轴电缆,并且仍然符合 SMPTE 抖动规范。VIDIO 提供了一个经济实惠且有效的平台,可在该平台上开发新的 4K 和 IP 视频产品。
作为一个 Linux 守护进程,Nextera NMOS 核心可为 AV over IP 接口(例如:SMPTE ST 2110、ST 2022等)提供抽象层。通过借助 http PUT/GET RestFUL API 抽象化低级细节,这些设备可以与任何 NMOS 控制面板/系统无缝互操作。该核心提供有详细的文档和示例,可用于与自定义的 AV over IP FPGA 核心进行接口交互。它从零开始构建,可作为一个可靠、易于支持的子系统,为任何产品添加即插即用的 NMOS 功能。通过从领先的 AV over IP 核心供应商 Nextera 购买经过验证、可靠且得到全面支持的 NMOS 解决方案,您可以节省时间和金钱。Nextera NMOS 核心经过了 JT-NM 的互操作性测试,具备高度的互操作性保证,并已在全球范围内进行了部署。可用的 NMOS 核心包括 IS-04 注册和发现、IS-05 连接管理、IS-07 事件和计数、IS-08 音频通道映射、IS-09 系统参数、支持 HTTPS 和 TLS 的安全 NMOS,以及 BCP-004-01 接收器能力。
IP-Enable your products quickly and easily! The Nextera ST 2110 Video over IP core enables standards based media transport over IP for providing individual packetization of video, audio and metadata. The ST 2110 Core Suite supports the following: ST 2110-10 - system timing, ST 2110-20 - uncompressed video stream, ST 2110-21 - traffic shaping, ST 2110-30 - uncompressed audio stream, ST 2110-40 - ancillary data (metadata), NMOS IS-04 - discovery and registration, NMOS IS-05 - connection management, NMOS IS-07 event and tally, NMOS IS-08 audio mapping, NMOS IS-09 system parameters. We also offer a field proven ST 2059 companion core that is designed to work seamlessly alongside the ST 2110 core to offer a complete ecosystem for professional media over IP.
The ST 2059 PTP core is an FPGA IP core that generates timing and clock signals according to the SMPTE ST 2059 standard defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. These deterministic timing signals can be used to time synchronize audio and video systems to a SMPTE ST2059 (PTP) grandmaster. The IP core provides broadcast and professional AV equipment the ability to support deterministic generation of timing (signals) for video and audio systems. Audio/visual systems are generally synchronized, locked to the same time base with a relative phase with respect to a master time generator. This makes seamless switching between cameras or mixing a presenter in front of weather graphics possible. The same can be true for audio devices. The ST 2059 core uses the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) to provide time-aligned signal generation, thus permitting the interoperable use of IP-based media equipment with conventional genlocked SDI equipment. Based on standard AXI4-Stream, AXI4-Lite and AXI4-MM interfaces, the AIP-ST2059 core can easily be integrated into your system design.
IPMX-Enable your products quickly and easily! Based on the highly successful ST 2110 standard for broadcast, IPMX is the only open standard for AV over IP. IPMX includes provisions for ProAV such as compressed video, NMOS, EDID, USB, GPIO, and more. The Nextera IPMX core integrates seamlessly with the Nextera NMOS software core to provide everything needed to IPMX-Enable your new or existing products quickly and easily.