Quale Infotech is a leading end-to-end IT implementation and consulting company focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).Aiwozo is an intelligent process automation platform offered by us. Visit aiwozo.com to register and start using the platform. Our vision is to empower organizations to be AI-driven enterprises and help them build personalized user experiences to engage their customers. Our team is an experienced group of practitioners who have championed innovation and implemented change across global organizations. We have successfully integrated AI and automation strategies for our clients across industry verticals like telecom, banking and financial services, insurance, travel space, etc.
Aiwozo DocuBot 利用 AI 模型从不同类型的文件中精确读取、分类并提取相关数据。它能够处理如护照、发票、银行对账单、KYC 文档等文件,解决了需要将几千份纸质文件手动转换为数字格式的行业问题。为什么选择 Aiwozo DocuBot?- 文件处理和提取在几秒内便能完成,准确率高达 97%,Aiwozo 的预训练模型为企业提供了此类即插即用的解决方案。设置账户并开始提取流程只需要几分钟便能完成。Aiwozo DocuBot 在云端和本地托管平台均可使用。它确保数据能够保存在正确的地方。