1. Users may submit requests to the Online Service Center to get help with software installation problems. Installation questions may be submitted, regardless of whether you have active Priority Support or not. For more details, see Priority Support.
  2. Users who do not qualify for Priority Support may seek technical support for other questions from Intel's community user forums that are followed by expert users.
  3. For installation issues, it is highly recommended to collect installation log files before submitting a support ticket. 

Yes. You can install software products using the silent installation mode that does not require human interaction. For details, refer to the installation guide.


Installation instructions are shipped with all Intel® Software Development Products as part of the documentation. Some installation guides are also available online; for example, installation guides for the latest Intel® oneAPI toolkits.

The downloads for Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio have been removed as they are unsupported and do not include the latest functional and security updates. It is highly recommended that users move to the current update of the latest release version. For more details, see Intel® oneAPI Toolkits, Intel® AI Toolkit, Compilers Supported Product Versions.

To use an older version of legacy product installers and get the installation requirements for an older system, see Intel Parallel Studio XE Release Notes and System Requirements.

There are two options available:

  • Choose between creating a customizable package for later installation or installing now. 

 Note  If you choose to install now, you need to be connected to the internet during the installation.

  • Download the full package for later installation.

Download your software installation packages by following the instructions in the Downloading Software FAQ.

You will need to use a license file to install your product without an internet connection. You can manually copy your license file to the location specified by the INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. By default, your INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable points to the following locations:

  • Windows*: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
  • Linux*: /opt/intel/licenses
  • macOS*: /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses

During installation, choose the option that activates your product using the license file.

More Information

The online installer is a small downloadable installation package that lets you select the components to be installed. This avoids downloading the full package and saves installation time. It requires internet access and possibly a proxy setting if your machine is behind an internet proxy. 

Refer to the corresponding release notes or installation guides for the product, which provide the information on the system requirements.

Yes. You can install software products using the silent installation mode that does not require human interaction. For details, refer to the installation FAQ.

Each product package includes release notes, installation guides, and product documentation containing instructions on how to uninstall the software. Check these documents for the relevant information.

Yes. For more information, see the article about redistributable libraries by version.

See the following articles for installation steps with troubleshooting and tips:

For Installation on Google Cloud Platform*

For Installation on Amazon Web Services (AWS)*

Make sure you are using the offline installer and alternate activation method by providing the license file from your local folder (as opposed to using the serial number and online installer file). As of March 2022, the online installer and serial number do not work for installing older products like Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® System Studio.

If you still see the issue and have Priority Support, open a support ticket.

Only one version of Intel® Parallel Studio XE can be integrated with any one version of Microsoft Visual Studio* at a time. Therefore, if you have Intel Parallel Studio XE installed on your system, and then install a different version alongside it, the newly installed version will be integrated into Microsoft Visual Studio in place of the previously installed version. This means you will see the newly installed Intel Parallel Studio toolbars, menu items, and so on.

To control which version of Intel Parallel Studio XE you use with Microsoft Visual Studio, you will need to change the version of Intel Parallel Studio XE that is integrated with a particular version of Microsoft Visual Studio. This will need to be done for each component of Intel Parallel Studio that you have installed.

Note Up to three consecutive versions of the compiler (Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 Composer Edition) may be integrated into the same Microsoft Visual Studio version. In this case, you need to install compiler versions one by one starting from oldest. The integration from the latest compiler version will be installed last. For example, it is possible to install Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Composer Edition, and then version 2017 and 2018. Integration from the latest 2018 version will be installed and it allows switching between 16.0, 17.0, and 18.0 compiler versions. However, it is not possible to integrate Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Composer Edition, 2017, and 2018 versions with a particular version of Microsoft Visual Studio.

If you have issues with installation and integration to Microsoft Visual Studio*, they could be the result of some reported issues. Go through the following articles to see if they resolve your issues:

If you still see issues, do one of the following:

If you do not have Priority Support, ask your questions in the community forum

Installation of Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® System Studio may fail and present an error message from the installer: Package signature verification failed. There are two specific causes of this failure. The most likely cause is that valid trusted root certificates cannot be found on the system. These are needed by the installer to verify that the package is good. A secondary cause is that the installation package is corrupted, or that the package has an invalid signature or time stamp. 

To change or select the compiler that is integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio, follow steps in this article this article.