Installing Intel Parallel Studio XE on Google Cloud Platform Windows Instances

ID 标签 773820
已更新 5/18/2018
版本 Latest


This article covers the installation steps with troubleshooting and tips for Intel® Parallel Studio XE on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Note, some of the tools may have functional restrictions due to the cloud environment.  For system requirements, please see Release Notes for details. For further Intel related support, see this page.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform

This article assumes you are familiar with GCP environment. To learn more about working with GCP see this page.

Specifically, this article assumes:

  • You have a GCP account
  • You are familiar with creating instances within the GCP environment.
  • To learn more about launching an instance see creating an instance.
  • For maximum instance communication please place all instances within the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network.

Creating an Instance

Connecting to the GCP Instance

  • Note: you are likely to encounter an Unknown Publisher warning message. Click Connect to continue with the connection. You will be prompted to enter your password.
  • A security popup will alert you that the identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Select Yes to continue.
  • For more information see Connecting to Instances

IE Security Settings

Security settings in your IE browser may interfere with product download and installation. To ensure they are turned off do the following:

  1. Close any IE browser you may have open
  2. Run Server Manager
  3. Click on Local Server
  4. Click on the link next to the IE Enhanced Security Configuration
  5. In the popup dialog select the Off option for both Administrators and Users and click OK
  6. Launch IE and click Don’t use recommended settings

Note: Best practices suggest reverting to more secure settings after completing setup and installation.

Installing Intel® Software Development Products

Once your GCP instance is up and running you can proceed with the product installation.

If you received an Intel email for the software product you acquired, follow the instructions in the email to register your Serial Number and create an Intel Registration Center account (if you don’t already have one).

Installing Microsoft* Visual Studio

Intel® Parallel Studio XE requires an existing installation of Microsoft* Visual Studio (MSVS). If you have a license for a full MSVS product please install it at this time. If you don’t have a license, you may get the latest MSVS community license and install it in the instance prior to the installation of the Intel Product.

Important: MSVS must be installed prior to the installation of Intel Parallel Studio XE to enable integration. Make sure MSVS is preinstalled on the instance where Intel Parallel Studio XE will be installed. MSVS is not required for the installation of Intel Software License Manager..

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2017

You will only be able to use Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2017 in basic hotspots and Locks & Waits. This is due to running the tool in a virtual environment. For more information see User Reference Guide.


To download the product:

  • Open the registration email and click on the Download link.
  • OR go to Intel Registration Center and log into your account. In the product tab locate your software product and download it

When downloading you have a choice between using the online installer and an offline package.

  • Online Installer – You can choose to customize and install the product now OR
    You can choose to create and download a customized package for a later installation
  • Offline Package – This package includes all the components in the product and as such is larger than the customized package

Installing with a Named-User License

During installation it is recommended to use the serial number to install the product. For alternative activation methods see the Installation Guide and the Product Licensing FAQ.

A named-user license is limited to n simultaneous activations as defined in our Software EULA.

Installing with a Floating License

Floating license installation has two parts: License Server installation and Product installation.

License Server Installation

  • Download the License Manager
    • Log into Intel Registration Center
    • In the Serial Numbers tab locate your serial number and click it
    • On the Manage License page scroll down and locate the license manager
    • Click on the Download button
  • Install the License Manager
    • When installing the License Manager select ‘I have a serial number’ and enter the serial number of your product.
    • In the Set Firewall dialog, select Local Subnet Only.
  • Once the License Manager had been installed it should start automatically. If you have to start it manually:
    • On the host system desktop
    • Locate and run the Configure Intel® Software License Manager application.
    • Click the Browse button and navigate to the ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\License\’ folder
    • Select the installed license file and click Start to start the license manager.
    • Click Exit to exit the application

Important: Make sure that the instance you install the License Manager on is protected against termination and is accessible from other instances.

Note: License server can serve both Windows and Linux OS however the license type should match the client OS. Please see Product Licensing FAQ for more information.

Product Installation

  • Use the link in the registration email or log into Intel Registration Center to download the product. See detailed information about downloading options in the Download section above.
  • In the activation screen choose the ‘I have a serial number and I want to activate my product’ option. Enter the serial number for your floating license and proceed with the installation. For information on using Intel Parallel Studio XE please refer to our Getting Started Guide.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Verifying Floating Licenses Checkout

On the client set the environment variable INTEL_LMD_DEBUG to 1 and run a tool such as the compiler. At the bottom of the output you should see where the license came from.

For floating license server you should see a note about successful checkout.

Additional Resources