仅对英特尔可见 — GUID: lve1505516563421
2.3.1. 协议预置
2.3.2. GXT通道
2.3.3. 常规参数和数据通道参数
2.3.4. PMA参数
2.3.5. PCS-Core接口参数
2.3.6. 模拟PMA设置参数
2.3.7. Enhanced PCS参数
2.3.8. Standard PCS参数
2.3.9. PCS Direct数据通路参数
2.3.10. 动态重配置参数
2.3.11. 生成选项参数
2.3.12. PMA,校准和复位端口
2.3.13. PCS-Core接口端口
2.3.14. 增强PCS端口
2.3.15. 标准PCS端口
2.3.16. 收发器PHY PCS-to-Core接口参考端口映射
2.3.17. IP Core文件位置 PIPE的收发器通道数据通路 支持的PIPE特性 如何连接PIPE Gen1、Gen2和Gen3模式的TX PLL 如何在 Intel® Stratix® 10收发器中实现PCI Express (PIPE) PIPE的Native PHY IP Core参数设置 用于PIPE的fPLL IP Core参数设置 用于PIPE的ATX PLL IP Core参数设置 用于PIPE的Native PHY IP Core端口 用于PIPE的fPLL端口 用于PIPE的ATX PLL端口 到TX去加重的预置映射(Preset Mappings to TX De-emphasis) 如何对PIPE配置布局通道 Gen3的链路均衡 时序收敛建议
6.1. 重配置通道和PLL模块
6.2. 与重配置接口进行交互
6.3. 多个重配置设置文件(Multiple Reconfiguration Profiles)
6.4. 仲裁(arbitration)
6.5. 动态重配置的建议
6.6. 执行动态重配置的步骤
6.7. 直接重配置流程
6.8. Native PHY IP或PLL IP Core指导的重配置流程
6.9. 特殊情况的重配置流程
6.10. 更改模拟PMA设置
6.11. 端口和参数
6.12. 多个IP模块之间的动态重配置接口合并
6.13. 嵌入式调试功能
6.14. 时序收敛建议
6.15. 不支持的功能
6.16. 收发器寄存器映射
6.17. 重配置接口和动态重配置修订历史
7.5.1. 重新校准一个双工通道(PMA TX和PMA RX)
7.5.2. 仅在双工通道中重新校准PMA RX
7.5.3. 仅在双工通道中重新校准PMA TX
7.5.4. 在没有合并到同一物理通道的单工TX的情况下重新校准PMA单工RX
7.5.5. 在没有合并到同一物理通道的单工RX的情况下重新校准PMA单工TX
7.5.6. 仅重新校准单工TX合并的物理通道中的PMA单工RX
7.5.7. 仅重新校准单工RX合并的物理通道中的PMA单工TX
7.5.8. 重新校准fPLL
7.5.9. 重新校准ATX PLL
7.5.10. 当CMU PLL用作TX PLL时,重新校准CMU PLL
仅对英特尔可见 — GUID: lve1505516563421
A.4.3.4. PRBS Verifier需要的其他寄存器
仅与PRBS Verifier功能结合使用。
名称 | 地址 | Type | 属性名 | 编码 |
Clkslip source select | 0x00A[2] | read-write | clkslip_sel | 1'b0: Source is PLD |
Datapath mapping mode | 0x210[4:0] |
read-write | datapath_mapping_mode | 5'b01001: 10G, 32-bit datapath with 1:1 FIFO |
FIFO double write enable | 0x214[0] |
read-write | fifo_double_write | 1'b0 = Single width mode |
FIFO read clock select | 0x322[6:5] |
read-write | fifo_rd_clk_sel | 2'b10: PLD_RX_CLK1 for FIFO read clock |
FIFO double width mode | 0x312[6] |
read-write | fifo_double_read | 1'b0: Single width mode |
Word Marking Bit | 0x212[7] |
read-write | word_mark | 1'b0: Disable |
RX FIFO Full threshold | 0x213[4:0] |
read-write | rxfifo_full | 5'b00111: RX FIFO full threshold |
RX FIFO power saving mode | 0x218[7:6] |
read-write | rx_fifo_power_mode | 2'b01: Full width, half depth |
Phase comp mode read delay | 0x213[7:5] |
read-write | phcomp_rd_del | 3'b010: Read delay 2 |
Adapter Loopback mode | 0x218[0] |
read-write | adapter_lpbk_mode | 1'b0: DISABLE |
EMIB Loopback mode | 0x215[7] |
read-write | aib_lpbk_mode | 1'b0: DISABLE |
FIFO write clock select | 0x223[1:0] |
read-write | fifo_wr_clk_sel | 2'b00 = FIFO Write Clock Select pld_pcs_rx_clk_out |
FIFO write clock select | 0x322[4] |
read-write | fifo_wr_clk_sel | 1'b0: Uses rx_transfer_clk for FIFO write clock |
FIFO mode | 0x315[2:0] |
read-write | rxfifo_mode | 3'b000: Phase compensation |
FIFO read allowed or not when empty | 0x313[6] |
read-write | fifo_stop_rd | 1'b0: Read when empty |
FIFO write allowed or not when full | 0x313[7] |
read-write | fifo_stop_wr | 1'b0: Write when full |
PLD clk1 delay path sel | 0x321[4:1] |
read-write | pld_clk1_delay_sel | 4'b1100: Delay path 12 |
FIFO Partially empty threshold | 0x313[5:0] |
read-write | rxfifo_pempty | 6'b000010: Partially empty threshold = 2 |
RX FIFO Write control | 0x318[1] |
read-write | rx_fifo_write_ctrl | 1'b1: Keep writing when block lock is lost |
RX FIFO Power saving mode | 0x31A[4:2] |
read-write | rx_fifo_power_mode | 3'b001: Full width, single width mode |
Custom pulse stretching amount for PLD async outputs | 0x320[2:0] |
read-write | stretch_num_stages | 3'b010: 2 cycle stretch |
EMIB clock select | 0x322[1:0] |
read-write | aib_clk1_sel | 2'b01: Uses PLD_PCS_RX_CLK_OUT for EMIB clk |
Word align | 0x318[0] |
read-write | word_align | 1'b0: Disable word align |
Loopback mode | 0x315[6] |
read-write | lpbk_mode | 1'b0: DISABLE |
Data Valid mode | 0x312[7] |
read-write | dv_mode | 1'b0: Data valid disable |
FIFO empty threshold | 0x311[5:0] |
read-write | rxfifo_empty | 6'b000000: RX FIFO empty threshold |
FIFO Full threshold | 0x312[5:0] |
read-write | rxfifo_full | 6'b000111: FIFO Full threshold |
Deserializer EMIB clk x1 | 0x164[7] |
read-write | deser_aibck_x1 | 1'b1: Sends x1 clock out |