当您生成设备树源文件(.dts)时 对于 SoC HPS 硬件设计,您可能会看到大量 虚假错误消息。 以下列表显示一些消息 由 sopc2dts 生产:
sopc2dts --input soc_system.sopcinfo --output soc_system.dts
Failed to find h2f_lw_reset
Failed to find f2h_reset
Component hps_0 of class altera_hps is unknown
Component hps_0_fpga_interfaces of class altera_interface_generator
is unknown
Component hps_0_hps_io of class altera_hps_io is unknown
Component hps_0_clk_0 of class hps_clk_src is unknown
Component hps_0 of class altera_hps is unknown
Component hps_0_fpga_interfaces of class altera_interface_generator
is unknown
DTAppend: Unable to find parent for compatible. Adding
to root
DTAppend: Unable to find parent for leds. Adding to root
DTAppend: Unable to find parent for pmu0. Adding to root
无需变通方法。您可以安全地利用警告 消息并继续正常编译设备树源。