Explains why this message appears. Received the following message in the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant: This message appears when the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant automatic system support detection finds that Resizable BAR is not present or is not functioning properly. This message may be received because the motherboard needs a firmware update or because the motherboard lacks firmware for Resizable BAR. Contact your system or motherboard manufacturer for more information.Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Message: "Resizable BAR is required for optimal performance with Intel® Arc™ A-Series Graphics"
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在英特尔® 驱动程序和支持助理中收到以下消息:
- “英特尔® Arc™ A 系列显卡需要 Resizable BAR 才能获得最佳性能。”
- “确保系统/主板固件 (BIOS) 支持 Resizable BAR 或已更新为启用 Resizable BAR,以便在所有使用 A 系列显卡的应用中获得最佳性能英特尔® Arc™。有关更多信息,请联系系统或主板制造商。
当英特尔® 驱动程序和支持助理自动系统支持检测发现 Resizable BAR 不存在或无法正常运行时,将显示此消息。收到此消息可能是因为主板需要固件更新或主板缺少 Resizable BAR 固件。
请联系 您的系统或主板 制造商 了解更多信息。