Steps on what to do when the Intel® RAID Controller shows the "Energy Pack" error The RAID Web Console shows the following red-background error message: Energy pack has failed and cannot support data retentionWhat Does the “Energy Pack” Intel® RAID Controller Related Message Indicate?
Replace the Energy packRelated Products
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当英特尔® RAID Controller显示“能源包”错误时需采取的步骤
RAID Web 控制台显示以下红色背景错误消息:
- 确保 英特尔® RAID Controller拥有 最新的 固件(请参阅 如何在 EFI Shell 上对英特尔® RAID控制器执行固件更新)。
- 否则, 请更换 英特尔® RAID 免维护备份单元。