Recommendations to recover the Intel® SSD when the password used to protect data was forgotten The drive is locked and it is asking for a password to access its data. When a drive is password-protected, the data cannot be accessed unless the right password is entered. Intel does not have a way to recover the password. In scenarios where the password was forgotten, the following recommendations can be tried to unlock the drive. However the data will be lost. Is It Possible to Recover the SSD after Enabling ATA Security?How Do I Unlock the Intel® SSD if the Password Was Forgotten?
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当用于保护数据的密码忘记时,恢复英特尔® SSD的建议
- 联系 系统供应商或最初用于启用密码保护的应用程序的开发人员。它们可能有特定的密码恢复步骤。
- 执行 低级格式化以擦除驱动器中的所有数据。这可能会解锁驱动器,并将其设置为出厂状态,允许您再次访问该驱动器。但是所有数据都将丢失。
- 查看 可用选项以执行低级格式化。