Steps to disable/enable power supply cold redundancy for Intel® Server How do I disable power supply cold redundancy for Intel® Server? There are 2 ways to disable/enable cold redundancy: Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the target system must be configured for remote access to use the above commands. If BMC is not configured, it is possible to run the IPMI commands from the host operating system on the target system via the in-band interface by omitting the command options such as IP address and credential of the BMC. Note Intel® Server's Integrated Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) can be accessed by standard, off-the-shelf terminal, open-sourced, or terminal emulator utilities. One example is the IPMIUtility that allows access to sensor status information and power control. Customers own the risk of using open-source utilities. Intel has no control on these utilities and cannot guarantee any fix with these utilities. Cold Redundancy is also known as Low-Power State, which is increased power usage efficiency when system loads are such that both power supplies are not needed at the same time. When in Cold Redundant mode, only the needed power supply, to support the best power delivery efficiency, is ON. TA-1123: System Event Log (SEL) Displays Critical Power Supply Current Events Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Platforms: Server Management Guide Joint Message from Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) Promoters How to Enable or Disable Power Supply Cold Redundancy for Intel® Server
The following example shows cold redundancy is disabled:
PS C:\IPMItool-1.8.11.i2-win> .\ipmitool.exe raw 0x30 0x2e 0x01
01 00Note
For example, to disable cold redundancy:
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x2d 0x01 0x00
ipmiutil cmd 0 20 c0 2d 1 0
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- 使用 Syscfg 实用程序(仅限本地):
- 下载最新的 Syscfg 实用程序
- 将文件解压缩 到 U 盘
- 将系统启动 至 EFI shell
- 运行 以下命令:
- 要禁用 : syscfg.efi /cr disable
- 要启用 : syscfg.efi /cr enable
- 使用 IPMI 命令(本地或远程):
- 下载和/或安装 所需的 IPMI 实用程序
- 运行 以下命令:
- 要禁用:
- ipmitool –I lanplus –H bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password raw 0x30 0x2d 0x01 0x00
- ipmiutil cmd -F lan2 –T 4 –V 4 –N bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password 0 20 c0 2d 1 0
- To enable:
- ipmitool –I lanplus –H bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password raw 0x30 0x2d 0x01 0x01
- ipmiutil cmd -F lan2 –T 4 –V 4 –N bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password 0 20 c0 2d 1 1
- To get current state:
- ipmitool –I lanplus –H bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password raw 0x30 0x2e 0x01
- ipmiutil cmd -F lan2 –T 4 –V 4 –N bmc_ip –U bmc_username –P bmc_password 0 20 c0 2e 1
- The get command returns 2 bytes of data, the second byte indicates if cold redundancy is enabled (01) or disabled (00).
The following example shows cold redundancy is disabled:
PS C:\IPMItool-1.8.11.i2-win> .\ipmitool.exe raw 0x30 0x2e 0x01
01 00
- 要禁用:
注意 |
必须将目标系统的基板管理控制器 (BMC) 配置为远程访问, 才能使用上述命令。 如果未配置 BMC,则可以通过带内接口从目标系统上的主机操作系统运行 IPMI 命令,方法是省略命令选项,例如 BMC 的 IP 地址和凭据。 |
注意 |
英特尔®服务器的集成基板管理控制器 (BMC) 可通过标准的现成终端、开源或终端仿真器实用程序访问。IPMIUtility 就是一个例子,它允许访问传感器状态信息和进行功率控制。客户承担使用开源实用程序的风险。英特尔无法控制这些实用程序,也不能保证对这些实用程序进行任何修复。 |