User Space CNI

ID 标签 724748
已更新 12/1/2020
版本 Latest


Implement userspace networking to enhance high performance container Networking solution and Data Plane Acceleration for containers.

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The Userspace CNI is a Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin designed to implement userspace networking (as opposed to kernel space networking). Examples include DPDK based applications. It is designed to run with either OVS-DPDK or VPP along with the Multus CNI plugin in Kubernetes deployments. It enhances high performance container Networking solution and Data Plane Acceleration for containers.

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Design and Architecture

The detailed design document on Google Drive with comments: Userspace Design Document

Weekly Meeting Details:

  • Meeting Time: 12:00 PM UTC every other Wednesday
    8:00 AM EST / 1:00 PM GMT
  • Meeting Dates:
    08/14/2019 08/28/2019
    09/11/2019 09/25/2019
    10/09/2019 10/23/2019
    11/06/2019 (No 11/20/2019 meeting, KubeCon NA - San Diego)
    12/04/2019 12/18/2019
  • Meeting Bridge:
  • Meeting Minute Document: Userspace CNI: Weekly Meeting Minutes

Since it currently a small group, we are somewhat flexible and move the meeting time around from time to time. Any meeting time/date changes will be broadcast on the Intel slack channel and updated meeting times will be posted in the Userspace CNI: Weekly Meeting Minutes document as soon as possible.

Installation and Usage

This plugin is recommended to be built with Go 1.11.10 and either OVS-DPDK 2.9.0-3 or VPP 19.04. Other versions of Go, OVS-DPDK and VPP are theoretically supported, but MIGHT cause unknown issue.

Build & Clean
Network Configuration Reference
OVS CNI Library Intro
VPP CNI Library Intro