Scalable CPU Ray Tracing for In Situ Visualization Using Intel® OSPRay

Scalable, high-quality in situ visualization using Intel® OSPRay support for MPI-parallel rendering.


Will Usher

Intel Corporation

Jefferson Amstutz

Intel Corporation

Johannes Gunther

Intel Corporation

Aaron Knoll

Intel Corporation

Gregory P. Johnson

Intel Corporation

Carson Brownlee

Intel Corporation

Aloc Hota

Intel Corporation

Bruce Cherniak

Intel Corporation

Tim Rowley

Intel Corporation

Jim Jeffers

Intel Corporation

Valerio Pascucci

Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, University of Utah

This article was first published in In Situ Visualization for Computational Science.

In situ visualization increasingly involves rendering large numbers of images for post hoc exploration. Since both the number of images to be rendered and the data being rendered are large, the scalability of the rendering component is of key concern. Also, the renderer must be able to support a wide range of data distributions, simulation configurations, and HPC systems to provide the flexibility required for a portable, general purpose in situ rendering package. In this chapter, we discuss recent developments in Intel® OSPRay support for MPI-parallel applications to provide a flexible and scalable rendering API, with a focus on how these developments can be applied to enable scalable, high-quality in situ visualization.