Application reliability is important for ensuring protection against application downtime. In this article, I present pmempool
, a tool available in the Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK) that helps prevent, diagnose, and recover from unplanned data corruption caused by hardware issues. I also show how errors can be injected to test the redundancy of your system. Everything shown in this article can be tested without having real persistent memory hardware by hardware emulation using DRAM.
I assume that you have a basic understanding of persistent memory concepts and are familiar with general PMDK features. If not, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone (Intel® DZ) Persistent Memory Programming site, where you will find the information you need to get started.
HDDs and SSDs protect against hardware failures using RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Devices) to maintain data integrity. The Intel® Optane™ persistent memory module is a DIMM form factor device that sits on the memory bus and can be configured in interleaved sets for better performance. Integrated memory controllers (IMCs) do not implement any type of RAID to protect against data integrity issues. Instead, servers and workstations use registered error-correcting code (ECC) memory to protect against certain hardware issues.
Since persistent memory pools expose the hardware directly to the applications using DAX (Direct Access), applications must be designed to handle data integrity issues caused by underlying memory hardware errors. Applications can access the media using device Dax (DevDax) or file system Dax (FSDax). DevDax is a character device whereas FSDax uses a Dax supported file system such as NTFS, XFS, or EXT4. This article focuses on the FSDax use case.
Validating Persistent Memory Pools
A good application assumes that hardware will fail at some point and corrupt or lose data. Error handling is an important part of overall application reliability. Fortunately for applications built using PMDK, there are tools available to provide off-line analysis and error recovery—although this is not guaranteed, as we will see next.
The pool used in the next two sections is a BLK (libpmemblk) pool with a block size of 1024 bytes, created using pmempool as shown here:
The pmempool
utility with the check
command can be used to validate the integrity of metadata within a persistent memory pool or pool set (more about pool sets later) that is not in use by a running application. User data cannot be validated. The verbosity of the output can be increased using the -v
Listing 1. Executing pmempool check on a healthy persistent memory pool
Listing 1 shows the result of checking a healthy pool. Since, in this example, /mnt/pmem/poolfile is a BLK pool type, the pmemblk header and block translation table (BTT) info headers are also checked. The pmempool check utility supports LOG (libpmemlog) and OBJ (libpmemobj) pool types and executes the appropriate checks.
Let's imagine now that some blocks get corrupted in the memory media where our pool resides. These corrupted blocks are called bad blocks. For experimentation purposes, we can inject some bad blocks and see what the result would be.
After injection, no I/O with our pool will be possible until we clean all the bad blocks:
For information about how to inject and clean bad blocks, please refer to the article Error Recovery in Persistent Memory Applications.
By zeroing data, cleaning bad blocks has the potential to corrupt data or metadata. In our case, for example, we have overwritten our pool’s first block with zeros. We should then recheck the health of our pool to see if any metadata was affected:
pmempool check
reports that the pool header is corrupted. If this were not bad enough, we just realized that we do not have a copy. Can we fix this?
An Unsuccessful Recovery
To see if pmempool
can recover our corrupted pool, we can pass -r
(recovery) and -N
(dry-run) to see what would be done to the pool to recover it without changing it. The current version of pmempool-check
(PMDK v1.4) only supports recovery for libpmemblk
and libpmemlog
pools. libpmemobj
pools are not yet supported.
Since the information storing the type of the pool was destroyed, pmempool
asks if we want to set it to PMEMBLK
, which is the default. We say yes. We also say yes to the other questions related to other types of pool metadata. In the end, however, the tool fails due to an invalid header checksum. It also gives us a hint that we can fix this problem by setting the PMEMPOOL_CHECK_ADVANCE
flag. We do that by passing the -a
It seems that the tool can repair the pool metadata after all. We should go ahead and rerun the above command without the -N
There is one more thing to test: the consistency of the data stored in the pool. This is application-dependent and can't be tested by a general tool. For the case presented here, I created the pool by writing an array of around 1 million integers with values 0, 1, 2, …, approximately one million. The following listing shows the main loop of the program:
I check the consistency of the data by a similar program that reads back the integers and checks that the values correspond to the ones I wrote:
Unfortunately, the fixes done to our pool header by pmempool
are not good enough this time. We can't even open the pool:
A Successful Recovery
Let see now an example of a successful recovery from a block corruption. In this case, I am injecting a bad block in block number 7.
Let's see if the repair will fix it:
In this case, it seems that only the checksum was incorrect. After the repair concludes, we check the data consistency by running the program reading back the integers. Everything works fine, which means that block 7 wasn't critical to the integrity and correctness of the metadata—and data—of the pool.
Here elements
mean blocks of 1024 bytes (256 integers) each.
is a very simple script calling the reading code:
An Impossible Recovery (Corrupting User Data)
Let's finish this section with an example of an impossible recovery. It is impossible because pmempool
cannot even recognize the injected bad block as a corruption. In this case, I am injecting a bad block in block number 24.
Since no metadata was affected, this time pmempool
thinks everything is correct. If we check the contents of the pool, however, we discover that this is not the case:
Prevention Using Fault Tolerance
The common-sense approach to protect data is to do a backup. The challenge with backups, however, is how to keep all copies synchronized. If your pool's size is large, creating a copy—local or remote—may take a long time, making it hard to do it frequently. However, if we do not create copies frequently enough, we risk losing a lot of precious data.
Fortunately, PMDK supports data replication using pool sets. From an application perspective, a pool set is indistinguishable from a pool. Under the hood, a pool set is composed of multiple pool files. Pool sets are designed to serve two purposes: (1) extending the size of a pool when running out of space and (2) creating replicas to provide fault tolerance. I briefly show how you can create a pool set of each type here. For more information about pool sets, please read the official man page for poolset(5).
To create a pool set spanning multiple pool files, our mypool.set file would look something like this:
To create local replicas (remote replicas are also possible), we need to add a replica section:
The above pool set is also the one I am using for this example. It is important to mention that replication is done only when data is flushed explicitly. Even if our program does not crash and finishes correctly (and the data in the main pool is also correct), the data in the replica may not be correct. Explicit flushing is done, for example, when using the call pmemobj_persist()
in libpmemobj or when exiting a transaction block.
Due to the importance of flushing to ensure the correctness of all replicas, it is always a good idea to use debugging tools, such as Intel® Inspector, to make sure that we are flushing appropriately. Intel Inspector is available as part of Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio. If you are interested in Intel Inspector, please refer to How to Detect Persistent Memory Programming Errors Using Intel® Inspector.
Now that we are familiar with pool sets, let's corrupt one of the replicas and use the other to recover our set. The pool files corresponding to mypool.set
are created using pmempool
The contents of the pool set are also filled with 1 million integers, similar to how we did it above. In this example I am creating a libpmemobj
pool (using the C++ bindings) instead of a libpmemblk
At this point, we can inject a bad block on block 0 of pool file /mnt/pmem/poolfile
and check:
In order to fix it, we use pmempool sync
. Before attempting a recovery, users must ensure that pools are not actively being used by a running application. The current version of pmempool-sync (PMDK v1.4) supports only libpmemobj
After syncing and checking to make sure everything is ok, the data consistency check is run to make sure the data is also fine. It turns out that it is. No response means no problem.
In this article, I've reviewed pmempool, a tool available in the PMDK to prevent, diagnose, and recover from unplanned data corruption caused by hardware issues that has the potential to affect application reliability. The article covered validating and recovering using pmempool check
, and prevention and recovery using pmempool sync
About the Author
Eduardo Berrocal joined Intel as a cloud software engineer in July 2017 after receiving his PhD in computer science from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, Illinois. His doctoral research focused on (but was not limited to) data analytics and fault tolerance for high-performance computing. In the past he worked as a summer intern at Bell Labs (Nokia), as a research aide at Argonne National Laboratory, as a scientific programmer and web developer at the University of Chicago, and as an intern in the CESVIMA laboratory in Spain.