Offload Modeling Resources for Intel® Advisor Users

ID 标签 689000
已更新 2/17/2022
版本 Latest

Use this article as a guidance resource for modeling performance of your application on GPU platforms for further optimization of your code. This article highlights performance modeling capabilities of Intel® Advisor Offload Modeling perspective.

Intel Advisor is available for download as a standalone installation and as part of Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit.

Offload Modeling perspective provides performance modeling capabilities to identify code regions that are profitable to offload to a GPU device, estimate an expected speed-up of your code executed on a target GPU, pinpoint performance bottlenecks, and estimate overhead for offloading, data transfer, and scheduling region execution on a target device.

Offload Modeling Summary


Understand Offload Modeling

Learn what Offload Modeling perspective is and how it works using the following resources:

Efficiently Offload to GPUs Using Intel Advisor

Explore More Offload Modeling Capabilities

Offload Your Code from CPU to GPU... and Optimize It!


Offload Modeling Use Cases

View step-by-step guides for the most common Offload Modeling usage scenarios in the Intel Advisor Cookbook:

Next Steps

Heterogeneous Performance Analysis Using Intel Analysis Tools

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