Code Examples for New APIs and Sample How to Replace Deprecated API with Them

ID 标签 814915
已更新 2/5/2024
版本 Republished 01/22/2024

Starting with Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) 9.0,  some image processing functions, including  ippiWarpAffine function are legacy.  Here are some code samples for the new API and examples showing how to replace old functions with a new API alternative:

Image WarpAffine and Rotate Transform Example code.  The examples include:

1. Example for GetRotateTransform and WarpAffineLinear function usage.

2. Example for ippiWarpPerspective<Interp> functions.

3. Example for ippiWarpQuad<Interp>Init functions.

4. Examples of how to replace the old ippiWarpAffine and WarpAffineBack functions with the new Intel IPP APIs.

5. Examples of how to replace the old ippiWarpPerspective and WarpPerspectiveBack functions with the new Intel IPP APIs.

6. Examples of how to replace the old ippiWarpAffineQuad and WarpPerspectiveQuad functions with the new Intel IPP APIs.

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