Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications Release Notes

ID 标签 730480
已更新 10/15/2024
版本 2025.0

This page provides the current Release Notes for Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications for Intel® Core™ and Intel® Xeon® processors. This page covers the CPU (x86-64) OpenCL™ implementation only. See the OpenCL™ Runtimes for Intel® Processors article for additional Intel® Graphics Technology information. The notes are categorized by year, from newest to oldest, with individual releases listed within each year.

Click a version to expand it into a summary of new features and changes in that version since the last release, and access the download buttons for the detailed release notes, which include important information, such as pre-requisites, software compatibility, installation instructions, and known issues.

You can copy a link to a specific version's section by clicking the chain icon next to its name.

All files are in PDF format - Adobe Reader* (or compatible) required.
For questions or technical support, visit Intel® OpenCL™ for CPU forum.



Release Notes


  • Support 33 more 3D image formats.
  • Support v32/v64 type sub-group built-in and Integer built-in function.
  • Bug fixing for stabilization and performance optimizations.

Important Notice

From 2025.0 release, 32bit OpenCL CPU Runtime libraries are not shipped.

For PCMark users who depend on spreadsheet (32bit) test, please go to Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications with SYCL support to download the package with 32bit OpenCL CPU Runtime libraries.

Known Issues 

  • Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications requires opencl v3.0. If there is an older opencl.dll in the system folder, or other location due to the library PATH order, potentially we will encounter failures, including some opencl runtime issues and some VTune/Advisor crashes (when specific new features in OpenCL 3.0 are used).
    The solution is to copy the opencl.dll that we installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\intel\Shared Libraries\bin to the system folder to overwrite older opencl.dll. (Please backup older opencl.dll if needed.)
  • Intel® CPU Runtime for OpenCL™ Applications has a dependency on Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) that is included in the Intel® CPU Runtime installation.
    The Intel® TBB libraries included in the package have different names which are different than previous Intel TBB or the open-source Threading Building Blocks because of breaking changes. This change ensures that no load conflict takes place with pre-installed libraries.
    If the OpenCL™ host code uses features of previous version of Intel® TBB libraries, the application performance may vary (e.g. due to oversubscription issues in case of both standalone library pool and OpenCL thread pool being fully loaded).
  • Configuration file parameter CL_CONFIG_CPU_TARGET_ARCH cannot be set from cl.cfg. It can only be set as an environment variable.

Previous Release Notes