Get Started with Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library
The Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL) provides a single video processing API for encode, decode, and video processing that works across a wide range of accelerators.
The oneVPL project contains sample code to help users get started. The sample code shows the basic usage of the API and can be used to try out oneVPL functionality.
Before You Begin
Ensure oneVPL and its runtime libraries are installed successfully on your system.
You can also install oneVPL dispatcher, CPU runtime, and GPU runtime by building sources from GitHub.
System Requirements
Refer to the oneVPL System Requirements page.
Sample Code
Use the following sample projects to learn basic usage scenarios of oneVPL application programming interfaces and to try out oneVPL functionality:
- hello/hello-decode: Read an encoded video stream file, decode it, and output it to a raw video file.
- hello/hello-encode: Read a raw video file, encode it, and output it to an encoded video stream file.
- hello/hello-vpp: Read a raw video file (I420), resize it, and output it to a new raw video file (I420).
For detailed instructions, refer to the individual README files in each oneVPL sample directory.
Build and Run Sample Code on Linux
Note: The following variables are used in the steps below.
- <oneVPL build root> refers to the root directory of the oneVPL installation when oneVPL is built from the source code
- <sample name> refers to one of the names of hello-decode, hello-encode, hello-vpp mentioned in Sample Code section
Clone the source code
Set up environment
Additional setup steps for GPU:
Windows: refer to oneVPL Installation Guide.
Build and run samples with cmake
All samples with the source code in <oneVPL sample root>/Libraries/oneVPL/<sample name> can be built and run using the following process:
- On success, you will see [max-content] completed at the end of the cmake target output.
You may also compile and link applications using pkg-config.
Test built samples from command line
Run "hello-decode":
Expected result below.
Note: Implementation details may be different based on what is found on the system when the sample is run.
Implementation details: ApiVersion: 2.6 Implementation type: SW AccelerationMode via: NA Path: /opt/intel/oneapi/vpl/2022.1.0/oneVPL_Linux_Q1_RC1/lib/ Decoding ../../../content/cars_128x96.h265 -> out.raw Output colorspace: I420 (aka yuv420p) Decoded 60 frames
Build and Run Sample Code on Windows
Note: The following variables are used in the steps below.
- <oneVPL build root> refers to the root directory of the oneVPL installation when oneVPL is built from the source code
- <sample name> refers to one of the names of hello-decode, hello-encode, hello-vpp mentioned in Sample Code section
Clone the source code
Set up environment
Build and run samples with cmake
- On success, you will see [max-content] completed at the end of the cmake target output.
You may also compile and link applications using pkg-config.
Test built samples from command line
Run "hello-decode":
Expected result below.
Note: Implementation details may be different based on what is found on the system when the sample is run.
Implementation details: ApiVersion: 2.6 Implementation type: SW AccelerationMode via: NA Path: C:\vpltmp\bin\libvplswref64.dll Decoding ..\content\cars_128x96.h265 -> out.raw Output colorspace: I420 (aka yuv420p) Decoded 60 frames
Run pre-built Intel® Media SDK tools on Linux
Expected result below.
Note: Implementation details may be different based on what is found on the system when the sample is run.
pretending that stream is 30fps one pretending that aspect ratio is 1:1 Decoding Sample Version Input video HEVC Output format NV12 Input: Resolution 128x96 Crop X,Y,W,H 0,0,128,96 Output: Resolution 128x96 Frame rate 30.00 Memory type system MediaSDK impl hw MediaSDK version 1.34 Decoding started Frame number: 60, fps: 109.540, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 0.000 Decoding finished
Run pre-built Intel® Media SDK samples on Windows
Expected result below.
Note: Implementation details may be different based on what is found on the system when the sample is run.
pretending that stream is 30fps one pretending that aspect ratio is 1:1 Decoding Sample Version Input video HEVC Output format NV12 Input: Resolution 128x96 Crop X,Y,W,H 0,0,128,96 Output: Resolution 128x96 Frame rate 30.00 Memory type system MediaSDK impl hw MediaSDK version 1.34 Decoding started Frame number: 60, fps: 109.540, fread_fps: 0.000, fwrite_fps: 0.000 Decoding finished
Run other pre-built samples
You can also try the pre-built sample and tool binaries at <oneVPL install root>/vpl/latest/bin.
To check the oneVPL installation, review the content in the appropriate oneVPL installation directory:
- For root users in Linux: /opt/intel/oneapi/vpl/latest
- For non-root users in Linux: $HOME/intel/oneapi/vpl/latest, or you can configure your own
- For Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\oneapi\vpl\latest
NOTE: “latest” is a soft link to point to the latest installed version. Multiple oneVPL versions can exist on the same system.
Use the following debug versions of oneVPL on Windows:
Static linking:vpld.lib
Dynamic linking: libvpld.dll
Next Steps
To explore oneVPL functionality, you can:
- Start to build your own prototype based on the samples and oneVPL programming guide.
- Evaluate the features and performance of oneVPL as part of your future product.
Note: oneVPL is aligned with the oneVPL Specification version 2.3 at the time of 2021.2.2 release. oneVPL Specifications below 2.3 version used the legacy header and dispatcher naming. As a result, the prototypes developed with the 2021.1.1 revision of oneVPL should use the legacy oneVPL Programming Guide.
Find More
Document | Description |
oneVPL Programming Guide | Details on the oneVPL programming model, function usage, etc. |
oneVPL specification | Specification for the oneVPL API as an open standard. |
oneVPL API reference | API reference for oneVPL. |
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