Sebastian Herholz

ID 标签 777431
已更新 12/6/2022
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Sebastian Herholz is a light-transport researcher with a focus on advanced importance sampling techniques (for example, path guiding). Through many collaborations with research institutes (such as Charles University in Prague, Saarland University, and the University of Tübingen) and production companies (such as Weta Digital*), he gathered in-depth views on rendering. In 2020, Sebastian joined Intel to help make state-of-the-art rendering algorithms, such as for path guiding, that are ready for daily use in production environments. He is the project lead of the Intel® Open Path Guiding Library.



EARS: Efficiency-Aware Russian Roulette and Splitting

Robust Fitting of Parallax-Aware Mixtures for Path Guiding

Variance-Aware Path Guiding

Path Guiding in Production

Volume Path Guiding Based on Zero-Variance Random Walk Theory

Product Importance Sampling for Light Transport Path Guiding

Follow the Light: Introducing Path Guiding in Cycles