Pin - A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tool

Tool Overview

  • Pin is a dynamic binary instrumentation framework for the IA-32, x86-64 and MIC instruction-set architectures.

  • Enables the creation of dynamic program analysis tools.

  • Has a diverse set of tools for security, emulation and parallel program analysis.


Download Pin kits here. Before using Pin, please read the license. For questions or comments, please go to


IA32 and intel64 (x86 32 bit and 64 bit)

Windows* (LLVM clang-cl)

IA32 and intel64 (x86 32 bit and 64 bit)

Windows* (MSVC)

IA32 and intel64 (x86 32 bit and 64 bit)


IA32 and intel64 (x86 32 bit and 64 bit)

Pin 3.25 is the last Pin version supporting macOS* development