英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存




Native persistence – the ability to store data even when powered off. Large capacities at lower than DRAM prices – With the advent of larger persistent memory capacities, larger datasets can exist closer to the CPU for faster processing, which means greater insights. Higher capacities of Intel® Optane™ persistent memory create a more affordable solution, which is accelerating this industry-wide trend towards real-time data processing. Delivered on the 2nd and 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, large memory-bound workloads will have significant performance increase for rapid data processing.

操作模式 - 英特尔®傲腾™持久内存具有两种操作模式:内存模式(内存模式非常适合大容量内存,并且由于该内存被视为易失性内存,因此不需要更改应用程序)和 App Direct 模式(可以提供大容量内存,且启用的应用可直接与作为第二层内存的 PMem 进行沟通)。通过不同的操作模式,客户可以在多个工作负载中灵活利用英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存的优势。

硬件加密 – 英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存配备行业标准的 AES-256 硬件加密功能,使得数据更加安全令人放心。加密密钥存储在模块的安全元数据区域中,只能由英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存的控制器访问。 如果需要重新利用或丢弃模块,则可以利用安全加密擦除和 DIMM 覆写来避免数据被访问。

虽然英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存 (PMem) 和英特尔® 傲腾™ 固态硬盘使用了相同的英特尔® 傲腾™ 内存介质,但它们是完全不同的产品。英特尔® 傲腾™ 持久内存位于 DIMM 封装中,在 DRAM 总线上运行,并可以被作为易失性内存或持久内存使用。而英特尔® 傲腾™ 固态硬盘严格用于标准 NAND 封装模型(AIC、M.2、U.2、EDSFF 等)中的快速存储,并采用 NVMe* 协议驻留于 PCIe 总线上,作为存储设备始终保持数据持久。

Intel® Optane™ persistent memory (PMem) has some similarities with DRAM in the following ways: Packaged in DIMMS, resides on the same bus/channels as DRAM, and can act in the same way as DRAM storing volatile data. Where Intel® Optane™ persistent memory (PMem) differs with DRAM is that it offers many new and exciting features. PMem comes in much higher capacities than traditional DRAM. PMem modules come in 128GB, 256GB and 512GB capacities, vastly larger than DRAM modules that typically range from 16GB to 64GB, though larger DRAM capacities exist. PMem also can operate in a persistent mode storing data even without power applied to the module and comes with built-in hardware encryption to help keep data at rest secure. The TCO of PMem is greatly improved compared to DRAM on a cost per GB basis and the ability to increase the capacity to beyond DRAM’s capabilities.